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Dr. C. Gomathy

Vice Principal (Academics & Placements), Professor / ECE

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Contact Information

  • B.E.(Hons.), Electronics communication Engineering, Govt. college of Engg., Tirunelveli, 1986
  • M.S., Electronics and Control Engineering, BITS, Pilani. 1993
  • M.S(By Research), ATM Networks, Anna University, Chennai, 2001.
  • Ph.D. ((Mobile Adhoc Networks) from Anna University, Chennai, 2007

  • Mobile Ad hoc Networks
  • Wireless Sensor networks

  • Routing
  • Scheduling and security in MANET
  • Energy efficient Routing
  • Congestion and Topology control in WSN, VANET, IoT, WBAN, UWSN

International Journals: 59

  • M. Gayathri, C. Gomathy, (2024). SCVAN- BKM: Swarm clustering for vehicular ad hoc network with a secure blockchain-based key management scheme, Ain Shams Engineering Journal,103094,ISSN 2090-4479,
  • Gayathri, M., & Gomathy, C. (2024). Design of CSKAS-VANET model for stable clustering and authentication scheme using RBMA and signcryption. Frontiers in Computer Science, 6.
  • Himabindu Sathyaveti, & Gomathy, C. (2024), Edge computing-based internet of medical things for healthcare using deep learning,Iinternational journal of Embedded system (Inter science online) volume 6, No:2,
  • S. Sandhiyaa, C. Gomathy (2023), “A cross-layer approach for load balancing and energy-efficient QoS-based routing reliability for UWSN” Alexandria Engineering Journal, Volume 85, 2023, Pages 333–343, ISSN 1110-0168,, SCIE journal, I.F-6.8
  • M. Gayathri, C. Gomathy (2023). FATS (Fuzzy Authentication to Provide Trust-Based Security) in VANET to Mitigate Black Hole Attacks In: R. Sharma, G. Jeon, and Y. Zhang (eds), Data analytics for Internet of Things infrastructure. Springer, Cham. SCOPUS indexed
  • A. Dinesh Babu and C. Gomathy (2023), “Comprehensive Study of Stochastic Computing Methods for Hardware Acceleration of Deep Learning Systems,” Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology (ACSIT), p-ISSN: 2393-9907; e-ISSN: 2393-9915; Volume 10, Issue 1; January-March 2023, pp. 20-26
  • S. Sandhiyaa and C. Gomathy (2022), “Efficient routing protocol with localization-based priority congestion control for UWSN”, Computers, Materials &  Continua, pp. 4747–4768, DOI: , IF.3.860 (SCI)
  • M. Gayathri & C. Gomathy (2022), “AI-TASFIS: An Approach to Secure Vehicle-to-Vehicle Applied Artificial Intelligence, 36:1 doi:  10.1080/08839514.2022.2145636   IF. 2.77 (SCI)
  • S. Sandhiyaa and C. Gomathy, “Performance Analysis of Routing Protocol in Underwater Wireless Sensor Network,” International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems (ICSCDS), pp. 1077–1084, doi:10.1109/ICSCDS53736.2022.9760816
  • M. Gayathri and C. Gomathy (2022),” An Overview of Security Services and Trust-Based Authentication Schemes in VANET,” Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, pp. 193-205. Lecture notes in Networks and Systems. IF:0.87
  • S. Sandhiyaa and C. Gomathy (2021), “A Survey on Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks: Challenges, Requirements, and Opportunities,” Fifth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC), pp. 1417–1427, doi: 10.1109/I-SMAC52330.2021.9640791
  • Dinesh Babu, C. Gomathy (2021), “Performance Analysis Study of Stochastic Computing-Based Neurons.” In: S.S. Dash, S. Das, and B.K. Panigrahi (eds), Intelligent Computing and Applications. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 1172, pp. 255-265, Springer, Singapore.,Online ISBN 978-981-15-5566-4
  • M. Gayathri, C. Gomathy (2021), “A Deep Survey on Types of Cyber Attacks in VANET,JCR 2021; 8(1):1029–1039, doi:10.31838/jcr.08.01.114
  • P. Kabilamani, C. Gomathy (2021), “Efficient MRFFT Feedback-Commutator Technique for Handling Data Flow Control in Narrow Band-IOT Based LTE”, Wireless Personal Communications, Springer Publication (SCI Impact Factor: 1.061), Vol. 117 (2), 1163–1186, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s11277-020-07916-9
  • Sandhiya, C. Gomathy (2021), “A review of recent issues and challenges in underwater sensor networks,”  International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering”, vol. 10, issue no. 02, February 2021
  • P. Kabilamani, C. Gomathy (2021), “Implementation of Downlink Physical Channel Processing Architecture for NB-IoT using LTE/5G Networks”, Wireless Personal Communications, Springer Publication (SCI Impact Factor: 1.061), Vol. 116 (4), 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s11277-020-07863-5
  • R. Vinodhini,  C. Gomathy (2021), “Fuzzy-Based Unequal Clustering and Context-Aware Routing Based on Glow-Worm Swarm Optimisation in Wireless Sensor Networks: Forest Fire Detection, Wireless Personal Communication, pp. 3501-3522
  • R. Vinodhini, C. Gomathy (2019), “A Hybrid Approach for Energy Efficient Routing in WSN: Using DA and GSO Algorithms,” in: Inventive Computation Technologies, pp. 506–522, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS), Volume 98, A Springer series, 29–30 August 2019
  • R. Vinodhini, C. Gomathy (2019), “MOM HR: A Dynamic Multi-hop Routing Protocol for WSN Using Heuristic-Based Multi-Objective Function”, Wireless Personal Communications, October 2019, Volume 109, pp. 1–25, An International Journal, ISSN: 0929-6212 (Print) 1572-834X (Online), A Springer Journal, IF 0.929
  • S. Nithya, C. Gomathy (2019), “ Smaclad: Secure Mobile Agent Based Cross Layer Attack Detection and Mitigation in Wireless  Mobile Networks and Applications, February 2019, Volume 24, Issue 1, pp. 259–270, ISSN: 1383-469X (Print) and 1572-8153 (Online), Springer journal, IF 2.497
  • P. Kabilamani, C. Gomathy (2019), “An Overview of 5G Mobile, International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research (IJEER), ISSN 2348-6988 , Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 1–9, January 2019
  • P. Kabilamani, C. Gomathy (2019), “Performance Evaluation of LTE-Based Coarse Grained Reconfigurable SOC Architecture,”  International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJECE), ISSN: 2348-8549, Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp. 1–7, January 2019
  • P. Kabilamani, C. Gomathy (2019), “Efficient Modified Reduced FFT (MRFFT) Feedback: Commutator Architecture Design,”  International Journal of VLSI & Signal Processing (IJVSP), ISSN: 2394-2584, Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp. 1-4, 2019
  • P. Kabilamani and C. Gomathy (2019), Performance Evaluation of LTE-based Coarse Grained Reconfigurable SOC Architecture,” SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJECE), Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 1-6, ISSN 2349-9184
  • P. Kabilamani and C. Gomathy (2019), Performance Elvaluation of LTE-based Coarse Grained Reconfigurable SOC Architecture,” SSRG International Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing (IJVSP), Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 1-4, ISSN 2394-2584
  • P. Kabilamani, C. Gomathy (2018),An Overview of Narrowband IoT in LTE/5G for Macghine Type Communication,” International Journal of Innovative Research Studies, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp. 365–374, ISSN 2319–9725
  • C. Gomathy, Athirai, and C. V. Ramya (2018), “Design of an 8-bit pipelined ADC using AHDL,” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119, No. 15, 2018, 891–896, ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
  • S. Nithya and C. Gomathy (2018), “An Investigation on Security Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks,” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119, No. 15, 2018, 927-935, ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
  • C. Gomathy, Athirai . C. V. Ramya (2018), “Design of an 8-bit pipelined ADC using AHDL,”  International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119, No. 15, 2018, 891–896, ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
  • P. Kabilamani and C. Gomathy (2017), “A Survey of Performance Analysis of LTE/5G Networks Based on Coarse Grained Reconfigurable System-on-Chip Architecture,” International Journal of Recent Engineering Research and Development, Volume 2, Issue 6, pp. 75–79, ISSN 2455-8761
  • R. Vinodhini, C. Gomathy (2017), “Heliostat Mirror Technology: A Survey,”  International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research, Volume 12, Issue 17, pp. 6472–6476
  • J. Anita Christaline, R. Ramesh, C. Gomathy, and D. Vaishali (2017), “Bioinspired optimisation for universal spatial image steganalysis,”  Journal of Computational Science, Volume 21, 2017, Pages 182-188, ISSN 1877-7503 (
  • D. Vaishali, R. Ramesh, C. Gomathy, and J. Anita Christaline (2017), “Histopathology Image Analysis and Classification Using ARMA Models: Application to Brain Cancer Detection,” Current Medical Imaging Reviews, Volume 13, Number 3, August 2017, pp. 355–361(7), Bentham Science Publishers
  • D. Vaishali, C. Gomathy (2017), “ Texture Analysis Using Wavelet-Based Multiresolution Autoregressive Modulus: Application to Brain Cancer  Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, Vol. 7, 6, B 1188–E
  • J. Anita Christaline, R. Ramesh, C. Gomathy, and D. Vaishali (2016), Nature-inspired metaheuristics for improved JPEG steganalysis, Multimed Tools Appl., DOI 10.1007/s11042-017-4983-4
  • S. Nithya and C. Gomathy (2016), ” Detection and Prevention of Collaborative Attack and Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless and Ad hoc Networks,” Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 9, Issus S1, December 2016, pp. 1-6, ISSN 0974-6846
  • S. Poornapushpakala and C. Gomathy (2015), “PSoC-based digital filter design for processing sodium flow from an eddy current flowmeter for the safety of sodium-cooled fast breeder reactors.” Ecology, Environment and Conservation, SNIP 0.186, 21(4): 2015, pp. 1903–1908, Copyright EM International ISSN 0971–765X.
  • S. Poornapushpakala and C. Gomathy (2015), “Bandpass digital filter design using a programmable system on a chip microcontroller for processing sodium flow from an eddy current flowmeter,”  Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, SNIP 0.285, Vol. 35, No. 7, pp. 536–541.2, ISSN 02537141
  • S. Nithya, C. Gomathy (2015), ” A Survey of Attacks on Wireless Sensors in International. Journal of Applied Engineering and Research, Vol. 10, Special Issue, pp. 21531-21538, Scopus Indexed, April 2015
  • S. Poornapushpakala, C. Gomathy (2014), ”Design, Development and Performance Testing of Fast Response Electronics for Eddy Current Flow Metres in Monitoring Sodium Flow,” Intl. Journal on Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Elsevier SCI Ltd., Published Online, England, DOI: 10.1016/2014.05.004. Current IF 0.971, 5 Yr-IF 1.192, ISSN 0955-5986, Web of Science
  • P. Kavipriya and C. Gomathy (2014), “An Efficient Dynamic Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor Code Allocation Approach in the WCDMA System through Modified Adaptive Genetic Algorithm,” International Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Research and Technology, vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 2545–2553, ISSN 2040-7467
  • P. Kavipriya and C. Gomathy (2013), “An Efficient Dynamic Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor Code Allocation Approach in WCDMA through Swarm Intelligence Technique,” International Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 3828–3838, 2013.ISSN 0975-4024
  • P. Kavipriya, C. Gomathy (2013), “An Effective Data Transmission Using Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor (OVSF) Codes in the WCDMA System,” International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 69–72, 2013. ISSN 2277–4378 (indexed in Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, New Jour, Academia, ResearchGate). Impact Factor: 1.962
  • P. Kavipriya, C. Gomathy (2013), “A Comparative Study of OVSF Cpde Allocation Techniques in 3G Wireless Networks,” Indian Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 127–136, 2013. ISSN
  • P. Kavipriya and C. Gomathy (2013), “ A Swarm Intelligence-Based Channelization Code Manipulation in WCDMA for Avoiding Code, International Review on Computers and Software, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 620–626, February 2013. (SCOPUS indexed) Impact Factor: 6.14
  • S. Poornapushpakala, C. Gomathy, J.I. Sylvia, and B. Babu (2013), PSoC-based signal generation for testing a fast response system for an eddy current flowmeter, UACEE International Journal of Advancements in Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IJAEEE), Vol. 2(2), pp. 185–189, ISSN 2319–7498, June 2013 (indexed in Google Scholar)
  • P. Kavipriya and C. Gomathy (2012), “A Review of Wireless Communication,” International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, vol. 1, no. 10, pp. 1-6, December 2012. ISSN 2278-0181 (indexed in Google Scholar)
  • Rekha Chakravarthi, C. Gomathy (2012), “Hop-by-Hop Rate Control Technique for Congestion Due to Concurrent Transmission in Wireless Sensors,World of Computer Science and Information Technology Journal (WCSIT) ISSN No. 2221-07, Indexed Open J-Gate, Google Scholar, DOAJ, Get CITED, Scribd, Ulrich’s, DBLS Vis. ISSN No. 2221-0741
  • Rekha Chakravarthi, C. Gomathy (2012), “ISCDC: An Intelligent System-Based Congestion Detection and Control in Wireless Sensor  European Journal of Scientific Research, July 2012, pp. 460–469, ISSN No. 1450-216X or 1450-202X, SNIP-0.01, SJR 0.071. Indexed in ProQuest ABI/INFORM Genamics, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases, EMBASE, Ulrich, DOAJ, EM Nursing, Compendex, GEOBASE, SCOPUS, and Mosby
  • S. Emalda Roslin, C. Gomathy (2012), ” IBPN: Intelligent Back Propagation Network Based Cluster Head Selection for Energy Efficient Topology Control in Wireless Sensor Network”, in European Journal of Scientific Research, July 2012, ISSN 1450-216X/1450-202X, Vol. 79 Issue No. 4, pp. 541–550 (SNIP 0.01, SJR 0.07), Indexed in ProQuest ABI/INFORM Genamics, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases, EMBASE, Ulrich, DOAJ, EM Nursing, Compendex, GEOBASE, SCOPUS, and Mosby
  • Rekha Chakravarthi, C. Gomathy (2012), “IFCCDC : A Fuzzy Control-Based Congestion Detection and Control in Wireless Sensors, International Journal of Computer Application (IJCA), vol. 48, no. 19, June 2012. Indexed include DOAJ, Google Scholar, Informatics, ProQuest CSA Technology Research Database, NASA ADS (Haarvard University.), Scientific Commons (University of St. Gallens), University of Karlsruhe, Germany, Geroge Town University Library, and Washington University. ISSN No.0975-888. Impact Factor: 0.814
  • S. Emalda Roslin, C. Gomathy (2012),” A comparative study on the topology control mechanism using GAHCT and FLHCT for an N-tier heterogeneous wireless sensor, Journal of Computer Applications (JCA), ISSN : 0974-1925, Volume V, Issue 1, 2012, pp. 43–50
  • S. Emalda Roslin and C. Gomathy (2011), ”GAHCT: Genetic Algorithm-Based Hierarchical Cooperative Technique for Energy Efficient Topology Control in Wireless Sensor Networks,” CiiT International Journal of Wireless Communication, Vol. 3, No. 5, April 2011, pp. 327–334, ISSN 0974–9756 (Impact Factor 0.572)
  • S. Emalda Roslin, C. Gomathy (2011), ”A Quantitative Study on the Impact of N-Tiers in the Performance of Topology Control Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks,”  International Journal of Ad hoc, Sensor and Ubiquitous Computing (IJASUC), Vol. 2, No. 3, September 2011, pp. 15–33
  • Rekha Chakravarthi, C. Gomathy, ” Hop-by-Hop Rate Control Technique for Congestion Due to Concurrent Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks, “accepted for publication in the World of Computer Science and Information Technology Journal (WSCIT), 2011
  • S. Barani and C. Gomathy (2011), “Energy-aware Next Hop and Route Selection with Improved Throughput (ENT) for Wireless Sensor Networks,”  CiiT International Journal of Networking and Communication Engineering, April 2011, Volume 3, No. 5, pp. 332–338. (Impact Factor: 0.569)
  • Emalda Roslin, C. Gomathy, and P. Bhuvaneshwari (2010), “A Survey on Neighbourhood Dependent Topology Control in Wireless Sensor etworks,” I International Journal of Computer Science and Communication (IJCSC), Volume I, NumberI,  January 010, pp. 183–186
  • Rekha Chakravarthi, C. Gomathy, K. Suraj, Sebastian, K. Pushparaj, and Vinu Binto Mon (2010), A Survey on Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Networks,” International Journal of Computer Science and Communication 2010,. Vol. I, No.I,pp. 159–162
  • S. Barani and C. Gomathy (2010), “Fuzzy-Based Energy-Aware Dynamic Path Route for Wireless Sensors International Journal on Advanced Engineering and Applications (IJAEA), July 2010, Volume II
  • C. Gomathy and S. Shanmugavel (2009), ‘A Novel Fuzzy Scheduler for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, IGI-Global/Mobile Computing, 2009, ISBN 13: 978-1-60566-054-7, 2996–3011
  • C. Gomathy and S. Shanmugavel (2005), ‘Supporting QoS in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks’ is accepted for publication in the Handbook of Research on Mobile Business: Technical, Methodological and Social Perspective, Idea Group, Inc., Hershey, USA
  • C. Gomathy and S. Shanmugavel (2005), ‘Performance Evaluation of a Novel Fuzzy-Based Priority Scheduler for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and its Effect on MAC Protocols’ Journal of Information Technology, 4(1), pp. 78–86
  • C. Gomathy and S. Shanmugavel (2005), ‘Supporting QoS in MANET by a Fuzzy Priority Scheduler and Performance Analysis with Multicast Routing Protocols’ EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communication and Networking, JWCN, in the regular issue, EURASIP JWCN 2005:3 (2005), 426-436. DOI: 10.1155/WCN.2005.426. (Impact Factor: 0.815)


  • P. Kavipriya, C. Gomathy (2012), “OVSF code assignment for WCDMA in FPGA”, Journal on Wireless Communication Networks, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 8–13, December 2012
  • S. Emalda Roslin and C. Gomathy (2012), ”Performance analysis of the proposed topology control mechanism using GAHCT for an N-tier heterogeneous wireless sensor  Journal of the Instrument Society of India, ISSN:  42, No. 2 , June 2012, pp. 128131
  • Ms. Rekha Chakravarthi, C. Gomathy (2012) , “A fuzzy approach to detect and control congestion in wireless sensor networks,” Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 476–483, June– July 2012. ISSN No.2231-3850
  • Ms. Rekha Chakravarthi, C. Gomathy (2012), “An efficient fuzzy-based congestion detection and control technique in wireless sensor networks.” National Journal on Electronic Sciences and Systems, April 2012. ISSN No.0975-7325
  • S. Barani and C. Gomathy (2011), “Energy-aware Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, December 2011–January 2012, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 850–861
  • S. Barani, C. Gomathy (2011), “Implementation of artificial intelligence to improve the lifetime of wireless sensor networks (AIWSN)”, National Journal on Electronic Sciences and Systems, vol. 2, no. 2, October 2011. (Under Press)
  • S. Emalda Roslin, C. Gomathy (2011), “A Comparative Study of Proposed Topology Control Algorithms for Energy Efficient Wireless Sensors,Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), ISSN : 0976-5166, Vol. 2, No. 4, August-Sep 2011. pp. 638–648
  • S. Emalda Roslin, C. Gomathy (2011), “An Energy Efficient Topology Control for 3-tier WSN Using Genetic Algorithm-Based Hierarchical Cooperative Technique”, Priyanka Research Journal (PRJ), ISSN Print : 2248-9312, Volume 1, Number 1 (2011), pp. 17–29

International Conferences: 58

  • Dinesh Babu A and C. Gomathy “Efficiency and Accuracy Enhancements in Stochastic Computing SNG Optimization and Acceleration Techniques” International Conference on Cyber and Information Security(ICCIS 2024) organized by Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College.
  • Dinesh Babu A and C. Gomathy” comprehensive study of stochastic computing methods for hardware acceleration of Deep learning system” 11th International Conference of Advanced Computer Science & Information Technology (ACSIT 2023)
  • Sneha and C. Gomathy”A Smart shopping Trolley using Machine Learning” International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Medical Sciences 2024 organized by International School of Technology and Science for Women in collaboration with Samarkand state University, Uzbekistan
  • Rathi .M and C. Gomathy ”A Comprehensive Review on Machine Learning for Smart Farming” International Conference on Sustainable Materials & Advances in Renewable Technologies (Smart’23) organized by Mother Theresa Engineering College in association with the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Villa College, Maldives
  • R. Thamilchelvan and C. Gomathy (2023), “Modelling an Intelligent Wireless Communication Channel for 5G and Beyond Using Advanced Machine Learning Techniques,” 5th International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA 2023), doi: 10.1109/ICIRCA57980.2023.10220931
  • M. Rathi and C. Gomathy (2023), “Revolutionising Agriculture with IoT: A  Fourth International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC-2023), IEEE Xplore Part Number : CFP23V90-ART ; ISBN : 979-8-3503-0088; DOI: 10.1109/ICOSEC58147.2023.10275835
  • S. Sandhiyaa and C. Gomathy (2023), “A Performance Analysis of Bio-Inspired Hybrid Optimisation Algorithms for Energy Efficient Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks,” International Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques, ICREACT, May 2023
  • M. Gayathri and C. Gomathy (2023), “A Comparative Study of Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network Routing Algorithms Based on Authentication and Security Analysis,” 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Materials and Advances in Renewable Technologies, conducted by the Faculty of Engineering and Technology at Villa College-MALDIVES, 2023
  • M. Rathi and C. Gomathy (2023), “A Comprehensive Review of Machine Learning-Based Smart Farming,” 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Materials and Advances in Renewable Technologies, conducted by the Faculty of Engineering and Technology at VILLA College-MALDIVES, 2023
  • M. Gayathri and C. Gomathy (2023), “ECDSA-V2V: Strengthening Vehicle-to-Vehicle Trust with Elliptic Curve Signatures,” International Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques, May 2023
  • M. Rathi, C. Gomathy (2023), “AI-enabled IoT-based Smart Farming: Technological Revolutions and Challenges An International Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques, May 2023
  • C. Gomathy and R. Thamilchelvan (2023),” Modelling Intelligent Wireless Communication Channels for 5G and Beyond Using Advanced Machine Learning Techniques,” International Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques, ICREACT, May 2023
  • C. Gomathy, R. Bhagavat Sowmya, Vandana Raman, and Monishaa (2023),” RFID-Based Four-Level Protection Voting Machine,” International Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques, ICREACT, May 2023
  • C. Gomathy, R. Harshith, and M.F. Abdur Rahman (2023), ” DDOS Attack Detection Using a Hybrid Machine Learning Approach, “International Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques, ICREACT, May 2023
  • Himabindu Sathyaveti and C. Gomathy (2023), ” IOMT-enabled remote patient monitoring using deep learning for proactive healthcare management,” in the International Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques’ ICREACT May 2023
  • A. Dinesh Babu and C. Gomathy (2023), “Comprehensive Study of Stochastic Computing Methods for Hardware Acceleration of Deep Learning Systems,”  2023 International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering, Sciences, Environment, Business Management and Humanities for Sustainable Development (ESEBH-2023), Aryabhatt DSEU, Ashok Vihar Campus, G.T. Karnal Road, Delhi and Krishi Sanskrit, New Delhi on March 25–26, 2023
  • S. Sandhiyaa and C. Gomathy (2022),Performance Analysis of Routing Protocol in Underwater Wireless Sensor Network,” 2022 International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems (ICSCDS), 2022
  • S. Sandhiyaa and C. Gomathy (2022), An Enhanced Congestion Detection and Avoidance in Underwater Wireless Sensor Network 2022, International Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques, ICREACT, May 2022
  • M. Gayathri and C. Gomathy (2022), “Adaptive Neurofuzzy Inference System for Improving Security Index in VANET, “2022 International Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques, ICREACT, May 2022
  • R. Tamilchelvan and C. Gomathy (2022), “Wireless communication channel modelling used in modern machine learning: An Overview,” 2022 International Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Communication Techniques, ’ICREACT May 2022
  • M. Gayathri and C. Gomathy (2021), “An Overview of Security Services and Trust-Based Authentication Schemes in VANET,” 5th International Conference on Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, ICMETE, April 24–24, 2021
  • S. Sandhiyaa and C. Gomathy (2021), “A Survey on Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks: Challenges, Requirements and Opportunities,” 2021 Fifth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC), 2021
  • P. Kabilamani, Karthika, Abheer Banu, and C. Gomathy (2021), “Design, Simulation and Analysis of Microstrip Patch Antennas for 4G and 5G Applications,” International Conference Research in Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques (ICREACT’21), May 2021
  • Sandhiya, C. Gomathy (2021), “A review of recent issues and challenges in underwater sensor networks,” in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Intelligent Technology in Science, Engineering, Humanities, and Management, organised by Cheran College of Engineering  Heldon on February26
  • C. Sandhiya, C. Gomathy (2021), Comparative Study on Localization in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Signal Systems and Information  (ICETSSI 2021) , organised by Nehru College of Engineering and Research Centre
  • M. Gayathri, C. Gomathy (2021), “A Comprehensive Survey on Security Issues and Trust Models in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks,” International Conference on Emerging Trends in Signals, Systems and Information (ICETSSI 2021), held on May28, 2021
  • P. Kabilamani, C. Gomathy (2021), “Implementation of DL-UL in LTE-based Coarse Grained System-on-Chip” Architecture,” International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology (ICCET), 10–11 April
  • P. Kabilamani, C. Gomathy (2020), “Performance Analysis of PAPR Reduction Techniques for OFDM Optimisation in LTE Systems,” International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology (ICCET), Prince Shri Venkateshwara Padmavathy Engineering College, March14–15
  • P. Kabilamani, C. Gomathy (2019), “Efficient Feedback-Commutator Technique for Handling Dataflow Control in NB-IOT-Based LTE,” International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Computing and Communication Engineering (ICRTECC’19), Saveetha School of Engineering, 25th and 26th April
  • A. Dinesh Babu, C. Gomathy (2019), “Performance Analysis Study of Stochastic Computing-Based Neuron,”  in the Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Applications (ICICA 2019), held in the SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ghaziabad, India, on December 6–8, 2019, page no. 44
  • P. Kabilamani, C. Gomathy (2019), “Implementation of Downlink Physical  Channel Processing Architecture for NB-IOT using LTE/5″G Networks,” Fifth International Conference on Green Technologies for Power Generation, Communication and Instrumentation (ICGPC’19), St.Peter’s Education & Research, March33 and 4,
  • R. Vinodhini, C. Gomathy (2019), “A Hybrid Approach for Energy Efficient Routing in WSN: Using DA and GSO Algorithms,” in the Proc. of the International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies, ICICIT 2019, pp. 506–522, Part of Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Volume 98, A Springer Series, 29–30 Series, 29–30 August 2019, Coimbatore, India
  • G. Nirmal, C. Gomathy (2015), Fault detection and classification method to prevent derailment of rolling stock, g stock, in the Proc. of the International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP), 2015, pp. 0959–0963, printprint ISBN 978-1-4799-8080-2 during April 2–4, 2015
  • S. Sheeba, N. Revathy, and C. Gomathy (2014), “Analysis of UWB pulse generators for short-range applications,” Sixth International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC), 2014, pp. 124–129, during December 17–19, 2014, printprint ISBN 978-1-4799-8466-4
  • P. Kavipriya, C. Gomathy (2013), “An Effective Data Transmission Using Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor (OVSF) Codes,” in the WCDMA  ICCEIE’2013 , June 23–24, 2013, Phuket (Thailand), pp. 52–55. ISBN pp. 52–55. ISBN: 978-93-82242-32-1
  • P.Kavipriya, C.Gomathy (2013), “A Thorough Investigation on Channelization Code Manipulation Approach Using Intelligence Techniques to Avoid Code Blocking in WCDMA Networks,”  ICAET 2013, 5th–6th April 2013, pp. 203-209, ISBN: 978-81-908980-6-5
  • S. Poornapushpakala, C. Gomathy, J.I. Sylvia, and B. Babu (2013). PSoC-based signal generation for testing a fast response system for an eddy current flowmeter, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advances in Electronics and Electrical Engineering—AAEEE 2013, Thailand, pp. 22–26, doi:10.3850, ISBN 978-981-07-5939-1_12
  • S. Barani, C. Gomathy (2011), “Power-Aware Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks, “International Conference on Network and Electronics Engineering, which appeared in the International Proceedings of Computer Science and Information Technology, Singapore, Sept. 16–18, 2011, Volume II, ISSN:2010-460x, pp. 82–86 (ET digital library)
  • S. Emalda Roslin, C. Gomathy (2011), “A Novel Topology  Control Algorithm for Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks,” International Conference on Network and Electronics Engineering, which appeared in the International Proceedings of Computer Science and Information Technology, Sept. 16–18, 2011, Volume 16–18, 2011, Volume II, ISSN:2010-460x, pp. 76. (ET digital library)
  • S. Barani, C. Gomathy (2011), “Impact of Radio Propagation Model for Fuzzy–based Energy–Aware Dynamic Path Route (FEADR)”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical and Computer Technologies ICETECT 2011, (Appears in IEEE Explore), March 24th and 25, 2011, St. Xaviers Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, India, pp. 1082–10861082–1086
  • S.S. Barani, C. Gomathy (2011), “Modified Fuzzy-based Energy-Aware Dynamic Path Route for Wireless Sensor Networks,” International Conference on Trends in Industrial Measurements and Automation (TIMA-2011), January 6–8, 2011, Satyabama University, Chennai., PS 3–83–8, 676–679676–679
  • S. Pornapushpakala, C. Gomathy (2011), and J.I. Sylvia, B. Krishnakumar, and B. Krishnakumar, and P. Kalyanasundaram (2011), “Design of Fast Response Electronics for Eddy Current Flowmeter, 7th International Conference on Trends in Industrial Measurements and Automation, TIMA2011, January 6–8, 2011, pp. 299–303
  • Rekha Chakravarthi, C. Gomathy (2011), HRCT: Hop by Rate Control Techniques for Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Networks, International Conference on Software and Computing Technology (ICSCT 2011)
  • Rekha Chakravarthi, C. Gomathy (2010), IPD: Intelligent Packet Dropping Algorithm for Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Networks, International Conference on Trends in Information Science and Computing (TISC)-2010, December 17–19, 2010, Satyabama University, Chennai, pp. 46–24
  • S. Poornapushpakala, C. Gomathy, J.I. Sylvia, B. Krishnakumar, P. Kalyanasundaram (2010), Eddy (2010), Eddy Current Flowmeter: A Review,” International Conference on Recent Advances in Space  Technology Services and Climate Changes (RSTS & CC-2010), November 13–15, 2010, pp. 214–217 (IEEE Explore)
  • C. Gomathy , B. Sowmya, and R. Naradha (2010), Attitude determination and control system of SATHYABAMASAT, “Recent Advances in Space Technology Services and Climate Change, RSTS & CC-2010, November 13–15, 2010, pp. 326-329. (IEEE Explore)
  • P. Kavipriya, C. Gomathy (2010), ” Analysis of code assignment in 3G/WCDMA,” International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technology Services and Climate Changes, RSTS & CC-2010, November 13–15, 2010, Satyabama University, Chennai, VolumeV,  V,  No. 30, pp. 160–162. (IEEE Explore)
  • S.S. Barani C. Gomathy Barani,  “Energy-Aware Dynamic Path Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks,” International Conference on Convergence of Science and Engineering in Education and Research, 21st–23rd April 2010, DSI, Bangalore, India, Vol. 1, pp. 174
  • S. Emalda Roslin, C. Gomathy, and P. Bhuvaneshwari (2010), “HCT: Hierarchical Cooperative Technique Based Energy Efficient Topology Control Algorithm for Wireless Sensors, International Conference on Instrumentation (ICI 2009) and National Symposium on Instrumentation (NSI-34), 21–23 January 2010, page(s): 50–51
  • S. Emalda Roslin, C. Gomathy (2008), Study and Evaluation of Efficient Topology Control Algorithms for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks, International Conference on Emerging Scenarios in Space Technology and Applications (ESSTA2008), 13–15 November 2008, Sathyabama University,Chennai, page(s):195–199
  • S. Barani, C. Gomathy (2008), ‘Survey on wireless networks applied to disaster management’ Proc. First International Conference on Emerging Scenarios in Space Technology and Applications (ESSTA 2008), Sathyabama University, Chennai.
  • C. Gomathy (2007), “GA-based Fuzzy Priority Scheduler for MANET,, Proc. First International Conference on Trends in Intelligent Electronic Systems, TIES 2007, Sathyabama University, Chennai
  • C. Gomathy and S. Shanmugavel (2005), ‘Supporting QoS in MANET by a Fuzzy Priority Scheduler and Performance Analysis With Mixed Traffic’, Proc. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Reno, Nevada, USA
  • C. Gomathy and Shanmugavel S. (2005), ‘Design of a Priority Scheduler Using Fuzzy Logic and Performance Analysis with Multicast Routing Protocols’ Proc. IEEE International Conference on Personal Wireless Communication, ICPWC 2005, New Delhi, pp. 451–455
  • C. Gomathy  and S. Shanmugavel (2005) paper, ‘Supporting QoS in MANET by a Modified Fuzzy Priority Scheduler and Performance Analysis with Mixed Traffic, is accepted for publication in the IASTED International Conference on Networks and Communication Systems, NCS 2005, International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED)
  • C. Gomathy and S. Shanmugavel (2004), ‘Performance evaluation of a novel fuzzy-based priority scheduler for mobile Ad Hoc networks and its effect on MAC protocols’ Proc. 12th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication, ADCOM 2004, IEEE Gujarat Section, Ahmedabad, pp. 348–355
  • C. Gomathy and S. Shanmugavel (2004), ‘Effect of Packet Scheduling and Evaluation of Fuzzy-Based Priority Schedulers on Ad Hoc Network Unicast Communication’ Proc. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication, SPCOM 2004, Indian Institute of Science and IEEE Signal Processing Society, Bangalore, India
  • C. Gomathy and S. Shanmugavel (2004), ‘An efficient fuzzy-based priority scheduler for mobile ad hoc networks and performance analysis for various mobility models’, Proc. IEEE International Wireless Communication and Networking Conference, WCNC 2004, Atlanta, GA, USA, pp. 1082–1082
  • C. Gomathy and S. Shanmugavel (2004), ‘Fuzzy-based Priority Scheduler for Mobile Adhoc Networks’, Proc. Third International Conference on Networking, ICN 2004, Gosier, Guadeloupe, French Caribbean, pp. 612–618612–618
  • C. Gomathy, B. Sowmya, and S. Pornapushpakala (2004), ‘Non-invasive knee joint vibration analyzer’, Proc. International Conference on Instrumentation, INCON 2004, Pune
  • C. Gomathy and S. Shanmugavel (2002), ‘Genetic algorithm-based traffic controller in ATM networks with simultaneous design of membership functions and rule bases’ Proc. 6th International Conference on High Performance Computing in the Asia-Pacific Region, HPC Asia 2002, CDAC, Govt. of India
  • C. Gomathy and S. Shanmugavel (2002), ‘Evolutionary fuzzy expert system for traffic control in ATM networks’ Proc. International Conference on Computer Communications, ICCC 2002, IIT, Bombay


  • P. Kabilamani, C. Gomathy (2020), “Performance Analysis of PAPR Reduction Techniques for OFDM Optimisation in LTE Systems,” Sixth National Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques (REACT’20), April 77 and 8, Volume I, pp. 60–65
  • P. Kabilamani, C. Gomathy (2020), “Performance Analysis of Reconfigurable Architecture for Data Transmission in Downlink,” Sixth National Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques (REACT’20), April 7 and 8, Volume I, pp. 71–78
  • P. Kabilamani, M. Angel Mary, L. Priya, and C. Gomathy (2018), “Efficient Modified Reduced FFT Feedback Commutator Architecture Design,” in the proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Communication Techniques (REACT’2018), 6th and 7th April, pp. 50–55
  • P. Kabilamani, SwatiRana, N. Rubika, and C. Gomathy (2018), “Performance Evaluation of LTE-based Coarse Grained Reconfigurable SOC Architecture,” in the proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques (REACT’2018), 6th and 7th April, pp. 88–95
  • S. Nithya and C. Gomathy (2018), “An Investigation on Security Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks,” in the proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques (REACT’2018), 6th and 7th April, pp. 47–51
  • Athirai, C.V. Ramya, and C. Gomathy (2018), “Design of an 8-bit pipelined ADC using AHDL,” in the proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques (REACT’2018), 6th and 7th April, pp. 61–64
  • Venkateshwara Reddy, Kurubamadhu, and C. Gomathy (2017), “Wireless Sensor Network-based Heliostat System Using Image Processing Techniques,” in the proceedings of the Third National Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Communication Techniques (REACT’2017), 31st and 1st March, April, pp. 36–40
  • S. Vignesh Prabakar, S. Lingesh Kumar, D. Vignesh,and C. Gomathy (2016), “Voice-Controlled Virtual Assistant Using Raspberry Pi,” in the proceedings of the Second National Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques (REACT’2016), 1st and 2nd April, pp. 19–22
  • G. Nirmal, C. Gomathy (2016), “Impact Speed on Rms and Kurtosis Values of Vibration Data Data of Rolling Elements with and Without Morphological Filter,” in the proceedings of the Second National Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Communication Techniques (REACT’2016), 1st and 2nd April, pp. 5–8.
  • S. Nithya, C. Gomathy (2016), “Detection and Prevention of Collaborative Attack and Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless and AD-HOC Networks,” in the proceedings of the Second National Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Communication Techniques (REACT’2016), 1st and 2nd April, pp. 28–33
  • S. Nithya, C. Gomathy (2015), “A Survey of Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks,” in the proceedings of the First National Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Communication Techniques (REACT’2015), 27th and 28th March, pp. 92–98
  • S.R. Ananda Kannan, R. Sabarish, M. Ashwath, and C. Gomathy (2015), “Visible Light Communication: Digital and Analogue Data Transfer Through Light,” in the proceedings of the First National Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques (REACT’2015), 2nd and  28th March,. 122–124
  • S. Vaishhale,  J. Jayashree, Atmakuru Akhila, and C. Gomathy (2015), “Hand Gesture Recognition System to Control Electronic Devices,” in the proceedings of the First National Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques (REACT’2015), 27th and 28th March, pp. 150–154
  • S. Poornapushpakala, C. Gomathy (2013) Signal generation by direct digital synthesis for testing a fast response system for an eddy current flowmeter, Proceedings of the National Conference on Trends in Signal Processing and Communication (TSPC’13, 12–14 April 2013), ISBN 978-93-82880-20-2
  • S. Pornapushpakala, C. Gomathy, and S. Pornapushpakala (2013), Development of a PS of a PSobased Sodium Leak Detector,” in the Proceedings of the National Conference on Advances in Microwave, Radar and Communications Engineering, AMRCE’13, 88 February 2013, pp. 65–6.
  • P. Kavipriya, C. Gomathy, “A Performance Analysis of Noise Reduction in WCDMA Using OVSF Codes,” NCCNS 2013, 11th–12th April 2013, pp. 14–18, ISBN: 978-81-89843-50-50-2
  • P. Kavipriya, C. Gomathy (2013), “An Approach for Avoiding Code Reassignment in a WCDMA-Based System with OVSF Codes,” NC-EVENT 2013 on 27th–28th June, Vol. 1, pp. 73–76
  • P. Kavipriya, C. Gomathy (2013), “Path Loss Prediction in WCDMA Systems Using OVSF Codes,” NCRTCA’13, July 26th, 2013, vol. 1, pp. 20
  • S. Barani, C. Gomathy (2011),” Analysis of wireless sensor networks and their routing protocols,” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Networking Automation and Control ENACT 2011, 14–15 September 2011, Sathyabama University, Chennai, pp. 39–45 (ISBN: 81 909042 3 0)
  • Ms. Rekha Chakravarthi, C. Gomathy (2011), ” A technique for congestion detection due to concurrent transmission in wireless sensors National Conference on Emerging Trends in Networking Automation and Control Technologies (ENACT-11), 14–15 September 2011, Sathyabama University, Chennai, pp. 67–70. (ISBN: 978-978-81 909042 3 0)
  • S. Emalda Roslin, C. Gomathy (2011), A Survey on various clustering mechanisms for energy efficient wireless sensor networks”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Networking in Automation and Control Technologies (ENACT 2011), 14–15 September 2011, Sathyabama University, Chennai, pp. 23–29 (ISBN No. 23–29 (ISBN No. 81 909042 3 0 0 0
  • D. Sundara Sekaran, C. Gomathy (2011), High pressure and speed compressor anti-surge control system in Petrochemical Industry”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Networking Automation and Control Technologies (ENACT 2011), 14–15 September 2011, Sathyabama University, Chennai, pp. 23–29 (ISBN: 81 909042 303030)
  • S. Pornapushpakala, C. Gomathy (2011), “Real-time data logging and monitoring of sodium velocity using virtual instrumentation,” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Networking, Automation and Control Engineering ENACT-2011, 14–15 September 2011, Sathyabama University, Chennai, pp. 112-116. (ISBN: 81 909042 3 0)
  • S. Barani, C. Gomathy (2010),” Analysis of Routing Protocols of Wireless Sensor Networks Using Soft Computing Techniques,” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Networking Automation and Control ENACT 2010, 4-5 October 2010, Sathyabama University, Chennai, pp. 10–14
  • Rekha Chakravarthi, C. Gomathy (2010), ”A Technique for Congestion Detection Due to Buffer Overflow in Wireless Sensor Networks,” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Networking Automation and Control Technologies (ENACT-10), 4-5 October 2010, Sathyabama University, Chennai, pp. 15–19
  • S. Emalda Roslin, C. Gomathy (2010), A Sequential Approach of Hibernation Using RSSI and Residual Power for Optimal Power Control in Wireless Sensor Networks, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Networking Automation and Control Technologies (ENACT), 4-5 October 2010, Sathyabama University, Chennai , pp. 20–24
  • S. Pornapushpakala, C. Gomathy (2010), “Sodium Ionisation Detection Technique Using PSoC,” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Networking, Automation and Control Engineering ENACT-2010, 4-5 October 2010, Sathyabama University, Chennai,pp. 51–55
  • D. Sundara Sekaran, C. Gomathy (2010), Boiler control and control valves, National Seminar, 22 April 2010, organised by IIE 29
  • D. Sundara Sekaran, C. Gomathy (2010), Energy Conservation Methods in Process Plants, National Seminar on Energy Conservation and Energy Management, January 23, 2010, organised by the Institution of Engineers
  • D. Sundara Sekaran, C. Gomathy (2010), Advanced Field Control Station for Process Plant  Automation,” All India Seminar on Recent Trends in Manufacturing, 12–13 February 2010, organised by the Institution of Engineers
  • S. Barani, C. Gomathy( 2009), “Sensor Node Performance Metrics through Flooding,” National Conference on Electronics, Control and Automation, NCECA 2009, Sep 17–19, 2009, SRM University, Kattangulathur, Chennai, pp. 45–49
  • D. Sundara Sekaran, C. Gomathy ( 2009), “Fault tolerance and safe tripping in process automation,” National Conference on Electronics, Control and Automation, NCECA 2009, September 17–19, 2009, SRM University, Kattangulathur, Chennai, pp. 45–49
  • Rekha Chakravarthi, C. Gomathy Suraj, and K. Sebastian (2009),” Novel Congestion Control Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks,”  National Conference on Recent Issues in Network Galaxy 2009, RING-09, pp. 72–75
  • S. Emalda Roslin, C. Gomathy, ”Topology Control Algorithms Based on Neighbornode Discovery Using Transmission Power Adjustment,” National Conference on Electronics, Control and Automation, NCECA-2009, 17–18 September 2009, pp. 201–205
  • S. Emalda Roslin, C. Gomathy (2009), ”An Energy Efficient and Interference-Aware Topology Control Algorithm Based on Neighbour Node Iscovery,” National Conference on Recent Issues in Network Galaxy 2009, RING-09, 7-8 December 2009, page(s): 93–97
  • C. Gomathy (2007), Scheduling algorithms for mobile ad hoc networks’ in Workshop on Research Challenges in Wireless and Optical Communication Networks, conducted by  the Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, CEG, Anna University, 30-31 March 2007
  • C. Gomathyand S. Shanmugavel (2005), ‘Implementation of a modified fuzzy priority scheduler for MANET and performance analysis with mixed traffic’ Proc. 11th National Conference on Communication, NCC 2005, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, pp. 51–55
  • C. Gomathy and Shanmugavel S. (2004), ‘A Modified Fuzzy Priority Scheduler for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks and Performance Analysis with Real-Time Traffic Over a Wireless Channel’ Proc. National Conference on Mobile Computing Networking , MobiCom Net-2004, Vellore Institute of Science and Technology, Vellore
  • C. Gomathy B. Sowmya and S. Pornapushpakala (2004), ‘Virtual instrumentation-based non-invasive knee joint vibration analyser, Proc. Retina 2004, National Engineering College, Kovilpatti
  • C. Gomathy and S. Shanmugavel (2003), ‘Scheduling real-time traffic over a wireless channel’ Proc. national conference on communication networking, NCCN 2003, SRM Engineering College, Kattankulathur, India, pp. 218–223
  • C. Gomathy (2002), Distributed Priority Scheduling for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, in Workshop on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, conducted by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, CEG, Anna University, 26–27 December 2002
  • C. Gomathy and B. Sowmya (2001), ‘Fuzzy logic-based intelligent Robot’ , Proc. National Conference on Emerging Techniques in Engineering Design and Automation, MNM Jain Engineering College, Chennai, 23–24 February 2001, pp. 106–111
  • C. Gomathy and B. Sowmya (2000), ‘Self Learning Robot through GBML’, Proc. NSIMC, Madras Institute of Technology (MIT), Chennai, 25–26 February 2000.
  • C. Gomathy and S. Shanmugave (2000), ‘A Network CAC Controller in an ATM Network With Optimal Buffer Selection Using Genetic Algorithms’, Proc. 8th National Conference on Communication, NCC 2002, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
  • C. Gomathy and S. Shanmugavel (2000), ‘An adaptive traffic call admission control method for ATM networks through genetic algorithms’, Proc. 6th National Conference on Communication, NCC 2000, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi

  • Presented a session on Scheduling algorithms for MANET in the Workshop on Mobile Ad-hoc networks, conducted by Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering, CEG, Anna University, 26-27 December 2007
  • Presented a session on priority packet scheduling algorithms in the Workshop on Research Challenges in Wireless and Optical Communication Networks, conducted by the Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, CEG, Anna University, March 30-31, 2007
  • Presented one-day session on GlomoSim Simulator: Installation and Working in the Workshop Organised for SIG (Special Interest Group) by the Dept. of Information Technology, Thiagaraja Engg. College, Madurai, April 2008
  • Presented a session on the around-the-world competition in the workshop on the IET PATW Zone Competition, conducted by SRM University, Vadapalani, in July 2016
  • Organised the Present Around the World Competition in the workshop on the IET PATW Zone Competition, conducted by SRM University, Vadapalani, in July 2015
  • I attended the Present Around the World Competition in the workshop on the IET PATW Zone Competition, conducted by SRM University, Vadapalani, in April 2017
  • Presented a session for volunteering at the IET Scholarship, organised by IET India in August 2015
  • Coordinated and organised the IET Quiz Competition conducted by SRM University, Vadapalani, in November 2015
  • I attended a one-day session on intellectual property rights and innovations in the workshop organised by SRM University, Vadapalani, in May 2016
  • I attended a one-day session on sensor web enablement in the workshop organised by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sathyabama University, Chennai, in June 2008
  •  Coordinated and organised the IET CLN Conclave on Government Oppournities in IOT, conducted by SRM University, Vadapalani, in July 2016
  •  Coordinated and participated in the IET Student Chapter on Exposure to IET Web Sources conducted by SRM University, Kattankulathur, in September and July 2016
  • I attended a session on Panel Discussion on Technologies and Challenges in IOT organised by SRM University, Vadapalani, in April 2017
  • I attended a one-day session on Raspberry Pi in the workshop organised by SRM University, Vadapalani, in January 2016
  • I attended a one-day session on IET in the workshop organised by SRM University, Vadapalani, in August 2016
  • I attended a one-day session on R programming on the IET Chennai local network in the workshop organised by SRM University, Vadapalani, in September 2016
  • AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Capacity Buidling of Women Leaders in Higher Education” from 2021-07-12 to 2021-07-16

  • Presented an invited talk on “ How to write review paper- Journal reviewer’s perspective – Critical reading and analysis, structuring the paper, summarizing the key insights.” in a two day workshop on review paper writing organized by Dept of ECE on 17.10.2024 & 18.10.2024
  • Presented an invited talk on ‘What Top-Tier Journal Editors Look for in a Review Manuscript: The Rules of Writing and Structuring Your Paper’ at a two-day workshop on review paper writing organized by the Department of ECE, SRMIST, Vadapalani.”.
  • Presented an invited talk on “ Basics of Electronic Circuits” at Dhanalakshmi Engg College, as part of the FDP programme for faculties organized by Anna University.
  • Presented an invited talk on “ Basics of Electronic Circuits” at Dhanalakshmi Engg College, as part of the FDP programme for faculties organized by Anna University.
  • Presented a invited talk on “ Basics of communication and its applications” in the Seminar organised by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering , Indira Gandhi College of Engineering and Technology for Women, Chengalpattu.
  • Presented a invited talk on “Wireless sensor networks” in the Intl. conference International Conference on Electronic Communication & Computing Technologies -2011 ,organised by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering , Dr. Paul’s Engg. College, Vanur, Villupuram Dt, Tamil Nadu on 12th September, 2011.
  • Live invited Webinar series on the topic ”Security of Vehicular Adhoc networks” conducted by Jagannath Institute of Technology, on 26th February 2021

  • Life member in Indian Society for Technical Education – Membership Number LM 16127.
  • Member in International Society of Automation- Membership number – 33156416
  • Senior Member in IEEE – 92993731
  • Professional Member in IET – 1100363996 
  • Member in Indian Science Congress Association – A7604
  • Became Fellow of IETE on 7.8.2019 – Fellowship No: F 501523
  • Became a Fellow in Institute of Engineers (India) on 30.11.2019-Fellowship No: F-126059 – 2

  • A Text book on “Electron devices” Airwalk Publishers, Chennai.

  • Successfully completed a research project titled” Design and development of Fast response Electronics for Eddy current flow meter” for the FRTG Group of IGCAR , Kalpakkam . The project amount sanctioned is 7.86 Lakhs.
  • Co Investigator for project work on Meteorological Tower instrumented with sensors relocated  in Sathyabama University.

  • Lecturer , Indian Engg College Vadakangulam Jan 1987 to June 1987
  • Lecturer, Morning star Polytechnic Nagercoil July 1987 to Nov. 1987
  • Lecturer, Murugappa Polytechnic Chennai Jan 89 to June 1989
  • Lecturer, Sathyabama Engg College Chennai July 1989 to June 1992
  • Asst Professor,  Sathyabama Engg College Chennai June 1992 to June 1998
  • Professor and Head, Dept of Electronics and Control Engg., Sathyabama University ( From 2001 onwards) June 1998 to December 2011.
  • Professor and Head, Dept of Electronics and Communication Engg, SRM University, Vadapalani from March 2012 to December 2020
  • Vice Principal (academics and Placements) , Professor/ECE, SRMIST, Vadapalani from January 2021 onwards.

  • Chairman of  Board of Governance, Govt College of Engg, Tirunelveli  from 2019 for a period of three years.
  • Academic Council-SRM- Committee Member
  • Faculty Board and Board of studies-ECE- SRM-Member.
  • AICTE coordinator-SRMIST, Vadapalani campus
  • NAAC  coordinator-SRMIST, Vadapalani campus
  • Annual Academic Audit, Campus expert committee member, SRMIST, Vadapalani
  • IQAC Coordinator, IQAC, Sathyabama University for six years
  • Reviewer for the Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC) Journal,,Journal of Computer communication, an Elsevier Journal, Journal of Testing and Evaluation , Special Issue (SI) on “Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks” of International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet) ( and International Journal of Ad hoc, Sensor & Ubquitous Computing (ISSN :0976 – 1764)
  • Co Editor in the International journal “Journal on Intelligent Electronic Systems” National journal “Journal on Intelligent Electronic Systems” 
  • Newsletter Editor in the executive committee of ISA south India section.
  • Life member in Indian Society for Technical Education – Membership Number LM 16127.
  • Member in International Society of Automation- Membership number – 33156416
  • Fellow of IETE on 7.8.2019 – Fellowship No:  F 501523
  • Fellow in Institute of Engineers (India) – Fellowship No: F-126059 – 2
  • Member in IEEE and IET
  • Member in Indian Science Congress Association – A6106
  • Written a text book on “Electron devices” Airwalk Publishers, Chennai.
  • Successfully completed a research project titled” Design and development of Fast response Electronics for Eddy current flow meter” for the FRTG Group of IGCAR , Kalpakkam . The project amount sanctioned is 7.86 Lakhs.
  • Principal Investigator for project work on Meteorological Tower instrumented with sensors relocated in Sathyabama University.
  • Conducted five National Conferences sponsored by AICTE on Institute-Industry -Interaction.
  • Core team member for ISO 
  • Convener for REACT – A national conference on Research in Electronics and Communication Techniques in SRM University, Vadapalani. Six conferences are conducted so far in this series.

In  Coursera:                            

  • Completed course on “Introduction to Electronics” Self paced, from Georgia Institute of Technology (Coursera) during April 2018 and scored 98.4%
  • Completed course on “Smartphone Emerging Technologies”, Self paced, from Yonsei University, (Coursera) during September 2016 and scored 93.4%
  • Completed course on “Wireless Communication Emerging Technologies”, Self paced, from Yonsei University and scored 88%
  • Completed course on “Internet of things : Communication technologies” Self paced, from University of California San Diego(Coursera) during September 2016 and scored 100%.
  • Completed course on,” Positive Psychology”, Self paced, from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill during May 2021.
  • Completed course on,” Mindfulness and Well-being: Living with Balance and Ease”, Self paced from Rice University during May 2021.
  • Completed course on,”COVID-19: what you need to know (CME ELIGIBLE)”, Self paced from OSMOSIS. Org during May 2021.
  • Completed coure on,” High Stakes Leadership: Leading in Times in Crisis”, Self paced, from university of MICHIGAN during May 2021.
  • Completed course on,” AI for Everyone”, Self paced from DeepLearning.AI during June 2021.
  • Completed course on,” Introduction to Cloud identity “, Self paced from Google Cloud during June 2021.
  • International Certified Career Coach; Career development Alliance (USA)
  • “Connecting the Dots for Problem Solving”, GlobalGyan Academy of Management Education Pvt. Ltd., 0n 7.12.2021
  • NASSCOM Future skills , “ Smart card : Artificial Neuaral networks application and algorithms, 2021.
  • NASSCOM Future skills , “Pathway: Getting started with Internet of things”, 2021.


  • Basic Electronics, 8 weeks course, IIT Bombay
  • Accreditation and Outcome based Learning, 8 week course, during Jul-Sept, 2021
  • Design Thinking – A Primer NPTEL Course, April 2023
  • Education for sustainable development, Gold Elite certificate, NPTEL, April 2023
  • Universal Human values I,II certificate from AICTE

Dr. J. Anita Christaline, Dr C. Gomathy,  Dr. K. Duraivelu, Mrs. R. Sathiya,  Mr. A Dinesh Babu,  R. Abishek,  V. S. Thinesh, V. Ajith,  K Chandrasekaran,  R. Adhitya Narayan,  M. Vignesh Sundar,  Mehul Kothari,  R. J. AdharshA Robotic Device with Multiple Stages Access control and Methods of Screening


Published on July31, 2020

Dr. C. Gomathy, Dr. A. Shirly Edward and Dr. D. VaishaliNon-invasive In-vivo Measurement System and Methods of Determining Glucose Concentration Thereof


Published on October1,2022

Dr. C. Gomathy, Dr. A. Shirly Edward and M. RathiSystem and Method for Managing precision Agriculture with Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence


File: 13-01-2021

Published : 1-12-2022

Name of the AuthorCopyright Literary/DramaticDiary Number
Dr.C.Gomathy, Gayathri MAn Overview of wireless Networks, Security Mechanism and Research challenges in VANET10124/2022-CO/L - Approved
Dr.C.Gomathy, Sandhiyaa SAn Overview of Underwater Wireless Sensor Network for all
Research domains
10139/2022-CO/L - Approved

Full time – 3
Part Time Internal – 1
Part time External – 1
Completed – 11


Sl. NoName of the SupervisorName of the Ph.D ScholarMode of Ph.DDate of registrationResearch topic
1Dr.C.GOMATHYA.DINESH BABUPART TIME INTERNAL31.12.2018Implementation of reconfigurable architectures for deep learning enabled embedded IoT devices
2Dr.C.GOMATHYS.SANDHIYAAFULL TIME24.07.2020Efficient routing protocol with Localization based priority and congestion control for underwater wireless sensor network
3Dr.C.GOMATHYGAYATHRI.MFULL TIME22.12.2020Artificial Intelligence based trust authentication sugeno inference system for providing secure vehicle to vehicle communication
4Dr.C.GOMATHYR. THAMILCHELVANFULL TIME13.01.2021Artificial Intelligence enabled wireless communication channel modeling
5Dr.C.GOMATHYRATHI MFULL TIME21.06.2022An Intelligent and optimal research Allocation approach in sensor networks for Smart Agri IOT

ONGOING (Part Time External)

Sl.NoName of ScholarBroad areaModeDate of RegistrationTitle of Research
1HIMA BINDU SATYAVETTIWireless Sensor NetworkPART TIME INTERNAL28.12.2020Edge Computing based IOT health care application using deep learning algorithm.


Name of ScholarBroad areaModeDate of Registrati onDate of completio nTitle of Research
1S. BARANIWireless sensor networkPART TIME (1)4/1/200827.1.2010Energy efficient routing protocol in wireless sensor network
2REKHA CHAKRAVA RTHIWireless Sensor NetworksPART TIME (1)12/1/200810.9.2010Study and Development of Congestion Detection and Control Technique in
Wireless Sensor Networks
3S. POORNAPU SHPAKALAInstrumentationPART TIME (1)8/1/200909.6.2012Design and development of a fast response processing system for eddy current flowmeter for safety in sodium cooled fast breeder reactor
4S. EMALDA ROSLINWireless sensor networkPART TIME (1)2/1/200809.8.2013An efficient topology control algorithm for reduced energy consumption and enhanced network
lifetime for wireless sensor network
5P. KAVIPRIYAWireless networksPART TIME (1)8/1/200925.9.2015An efficient meta heuristic optimization based channelization code assignment approach in WCDMA 4networks for C5ode Blocking Avoidance
6J. ANITA CHRISTALINESteganalysisPART TIME(2)04/03/201113.08.2018Image Steganalysis using Computational
7D.VAISHALIImage ProcessingPART TIME (2)04/03/201108.10.2018Wavelet based statistical modeling: Application to brain cancer
8S. NITHYAWireless networksPART TIME
June 201304.03.2021Cross Layer Security In Wireless Sensor Network
9R. VINODHINIWireless Sensor NetworkFULL TIME(2)17.06.201604.01.2022Novel routing techniques in wireless sensor network for enhanced
10P. KABILAMANIWireless communicationFULL TIME
11.01.201719.09.2022Implementation of reconfigurable high sped architecture for long term evaluation systems

  • Won the best paper award for the paper :
    C. Gomathy and S. Shanmugavel (2004), ‘A modified fuzzy priority scheduler for mobile ad hoc networks and performance analysis with real-time traffic over a wireless channel’ Proc. National Conference on Mobile Computing Networking, Mobicomnet-2004, Vellore Institute of Science and Technology, Vellore
  • In recognition of the outstanding work and excellent performance. Research Day Award
  • C. Gomathy and Sandhiya Won the Research Day Award for Research Presentation by Scholar Sandhiya for her presentation in UWSN
    She has received the Best Teacher Award nine times at Sathyabama University. And four times at SRM University for her research contributions.
  • Honour AS Alumni
    Appointed as Chairman of BoG, Govt. College of Engg., for a period of three years.
  • DISTINGUISHED WOMEN ADMINISTRATOR in recognition of Your Role, Outstanding Contributions, Significant Achievements and Sustained Excellence in the Field of Engineering, the Women Awards (VIWA 2018)
  • TOP 20 REVOLUTIONARY EDUCATION LEADERS for the year 2020, by the Academic Council of Ulektz