Mr. P. Rathina Kumar
Assistant Professor (Sr.G)
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Contact Information
Email : rathinap@srmist.edu.in
- M.E. (Applied Electronics), Anna University, 2006
- B.E. (Electronics and Communication Engineering), Bharathiyar University, 2004
- Rathinakumar Perinbaraj, Bhuvaneswari Balachander, Tunable THz dielectric resonator-graphene-based dual port radiator with circular polarisation and beam tilting features, Engineering, Vol. 62, Issue 5, 055102 (May 2023). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.OE.62.5.055102
- W.R. Babu, P. Rathina Kumar, L. Murali, et al. Broadband graphene and metasurface-loaded solar thermal absorber design for visible and infrared regions. Opt for Quant Electron 55 and 68 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11082-022-04331-1
- P. Rathina Kumar, P. Muthu Kannan, Deep learning-based optimisation algorithms for antenna design: A review, September 2020 Journal of Critical Reviews 7(5):1201–1202 1207,DOI:10.31838/jcr.07.05.226
- R. Suryakailash, P. Rathina Kumar, S. Atchaya, and L. Sripriyadharshini, 2020, “Intelligent Car,” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1804, 2020
- P. Glaret Subin, P. Rathina Kumar, “Early Detection of Cardio Vascular Disease From The Fundus Images Of The Retina Using Convolutional Neural Network,” European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, Volume 07, Issue 08, 2020
- S. Prasanna Bharathi, P. Rathina Kumar, “Video Analytics-Based Guidance System for Efficient Production Lines,” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 6, (2020), pp. 5681–5693
- P. Rathina Kumar, Dr. P. Muthu Kannan, “Deep Learning-Based Optimisation Algorithms for Antenna Design: A Review,” Journal of Critical Reviews, Vol. 7, Issue 05, 2020
- P. Rathina Kumar, S. Srikanth, and V. Kokila, ”Non-Gps Maritime Detection and Tracing,” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 119, No. 15, 885-890, 2018
- T.S. Balaji and P. Rathina Kumar, “Integrative Single Card Payment System Using Aadhar Card: One Card for Multipurpose,” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 119, No. 15, 943-047, 2018
- P. Glaret Subin, P. Rathina Kumar, and P. Muthu Krishnan, ”Power quality refinement by DSTATCOM using Pulse Width Modulation,” Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamics and Control Systems, Vol. 9, Sp. 18 (2017)
- P. Glaret Subin, P. Rathina Kumar, and P. Muthu Krishnan, “Synthesis of an Adaptive Antenna Array Using Exponentially Weighted Recursive Least Square Algorithm,” IJST, Vol. 9(S1), 2016
- T.S. Balaji and P. Rathina Kumar ” Enhancement of Gain and Antenna Efficiency Using Electronic Band Gap Structure in Microstrip Antenna,” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2015
- C. Chellasamy, P. Rathinakumar, “Design of a Fuel-Free Electric Vehicle,” Journal of Springer, 2012
- Presented paper titled “Customer Identification and Form Filling in Banks,” ICREACT 2022, held at SRMIST, Vadapalani campus
- Presented a paper titled “Smart Tollgate Using RSSI” at ICREACT 2022 held at SRMIST, Vadapalani campus
- Presented paper titled “Deep Neural Networks in Embedded Systems,” ICREACT 2022, held at SRMIST, Vadapalani campus
- Presented paper titled “Implementation of Otfs Over An Channel By Modified BER” at ICREACT 2021 held at SRMIST, Vadapalani campus
- Presented paper titled “Design and Implementation of Tor: A Human-Controlled Humanoid Robot,” ICREACT 2021, held at SRMIST, Vadapalani campus
- Presented paper titled “Warehouse Visualisation,” REACT 2020, held at SRMIST, Vadapalani campus
- Presented paper titled “Video Analytics-Based Guidance System for Efficient Production Lines,” REACT 2020, held at SRMIST, Vadapalani campus
- Presented paper titled “Smart Transportation Using UIOT,” REACT 2020, held at SRMIST, Vadapalani campus
- Presented paper titled “Hexatron Robot and Object Classification,” REACT 2020, held at SRMIST, Vadapalani campus
- Presented paper titled “Automation of Robotic Manipulator With Object Detection (Geometry)” at REACT 2020 held at SRMIST, Vadapalani campus
- Presented paper titled “Communication between Swarm Robots Using Wireless Networks,” REACT 2019 held at SRMIST, Vadapalani campus
- Presented paper titled “Development of Mems Gyro Model Using Matlab/Simulink,” REACT 2019 held at SRMIST, Vadapalani campus
- Presented paper titled “Development of Mems Gyro Model Using Matlab/Simulink,” REACT 2019 held at SRMIST, Vadapalani campus
- A paper titled “Global System for Mobile Communication-Based High Mobile Radiation On-Guard System” was presented at REACT 2018 at the SRMIST Vadapalani campus
- Presented paper titled “EEG-Based Brain Computer Interface Wheelchair,” REACT 2018 held at SRMIST, Vadapalani campus
- Presented paper titled “Design Of A Multifrequency T.E.N.S Unit For Therapeutic Purposes,” REACT 2018 held at SRMIST, Vadapalani campus
- Presented paper titled “Non-GPS Maritime Detection and Tracing,” Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques—REACT 2018, held at SRMIST, Vadapalani campus
- Presented a paper titled ”Remote control strategies in green technology for exhaustible energy sources” at an international conference, ICEECE, held at Vivekananda College of Engineering for Women, Namakkal
- Presented a paper titled “Synthesis of an Adaptive Antenna Array Using Exponentially Weighted Recursive LSA” at the national conference REACT-16 held at SRM University, Chennai
- Presented a paper titled “Automatic Text Reader Using Genetic Algorithm” at a national conference, REACT, held at SRM University, Chennai
- Presented a paper titled” Drivers Inattention Monitoring Using EEG” in a national conference REACT-16 held at SRM University, Chennai
- Presented a paper titled “Design of a Low-Cost Automatic Power Factor Correction Controller Using PIC” at the National Conference held at CIT, Coimbatore
- I participated in the “98th Indian Science Congress,” presided over by the Honourable Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh, SRM University, Chennai, from 03-01-11 to 07-01-11
- I participated in the National Conference IICA 2006 and presented the technical paper entitled “Design of a Low-Cost Automatic Power Factor Controller Using a PIC Microcontroller” at CIT, Coimbatore
- A patent was filed for the title “ Tri-Material Based Structure of Double Gate Junction Less TFET (TMDG-JL-TFET)” in the year 02-08-2023 [Application Number: 202341051824]
- A patent was filed for the title “Method for Utilising Machine Learning for Power Prediction in VLSI Circuits” in the year 2022 [Application Number: 202241061426]
- I participated in the Workshop on Advances in Optical Communication organised by IIT Madras under the aegis of the Department of Telecommunications from July 22nd–23rd, 2023
- I participated in a workshop on “Embedded Systems” conducted at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore
- I participated in a workshop on “Advanced Wireless and Optical Networks” conducted at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamngalam
- Design thinking
- Earth science
- Assistant Professor, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, July 2010–To Date
- Lecturer, Tamil Nadu College of Engineering, Anna University, December 2006–July 2008
- I received an appreciation award from texas instruments in 2018 for participating in India Innovation Challenge
- QCFI Membership ID: 049920123302
- ISTE Membership ID: 137266