Lalitha Saravanan. A
Assistant Professor (O.G)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Contact Information
Email: lalithaa@srmist.edu.in
1-Ph.D Degree – Mechanical Engineering
Area or Subject – Thermal Engineering
University – Anna University, Chennai
Awarded Year – 2018
2-PG Degree – M.E
Area or Subject – R & AC
University – Anna University, Chennai
Awarded Year – 2008
3-UG Degree – B.E
Area or Subject – Automobile Engineering
University – Bharathiyar University
Awarded Year – 2004
4-Any other academic degree
Theory Courses Handled:
- Automobile Engineering
- Basic Civil And Mechanical Engineering
- Engineering Mechanics
- Engineering Graphics
- Power Plant Engineering
- Total Quality Management
- Heritage of Tamils
- Disaster Management
- Engineering Thermodynamics
- Thermal Engineering
- Metrology and Measurements
- Thermal Engineering- I
- Thermal Engineering- II
- Heat and Mass Transfer
- Hydraulics and Pneumatics
- Automotive Systems
- Robotics
- Strength of Materials
- Computer Simulation of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems
- Air Handing Systems Design
- Technology of Surface coating.
Lab Courses Handled :
- Engineering Practices Laboratory
- Thermal Engineering Laboratory – I
- Manufacturing Technology Laboratory -I
- Manufacturing Technology Laboratory -II
- Design and Fabrication Project
- Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
- Strength of Materials Laboratory
- Metrology and Measurements Laboratory
- Computer Aided Machine Drawing
- Computer Aided Design Laboratory
- Technical Seminar
- Project Work Phase II
- Automation and Metal Forming Laboratory
- Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
- Alternate Refrigerants
- Automobile Engineering
- Saravanan, AL, Murugan, RS & Lal, DM 2016, ‘Investigations on charge reduction strategies to use R290 as an alternative to R22 in a split air conditioner’, Experimental Heat Transfer, Vol. 30, no. 2, pp.126-138, ISSN:1521-0480, (Impact Factor: 1.7).
- AL Saravanan, DM Lal & C Selvam, 2020 ‘Experimental Investigation on the Performance of Condenser for Charge Reduction of HC-290 in a Split Air-Conditioning System’, Heat Transfer Engineering,Vol. 41, no. 17, pp.1499-1511, ISSN: 0145-7632, (Impact Factor: 1.5).
- Lalitha Saravanan, A, Mohan Lal, D & Duraisamy, A 2016, ‘Charge reduction for a R22 split air conditioner operated with R290 under DT and ETB conditions’, Refrigeration Science and Technology, pp. 1021, pp. 146-153, ISSN: 0151-1637.
- A. Lalitha Saravanan, Rajendran Prabakaran, Shaji Sidney, Sung Chul Kim, Dhasan Mohan Lal, 2022 ‘Performance, environment, and cost-benefit analysis of a split air conditioning unit using HC-290 and HCFC-22’, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, Vol. 41,ep.13762, pp.1-11, ISSN:1944-7450, (Impact Factor: 2.43).
- B. Sureshbabu , P. Gopi Krishnan, A. Lalitha Saravanan , M. Mohamed Irfan, T. Naveenkumar , G. Dinesh Babu and S.B. Harshavarthan, ‘Valuation of Properties of MMC Al 6061 with Boron Carbide and Silicon Carbide as Reinforcements’, International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems, Vol. 14, no. 7, pp. 889-892, ISSN: 0975-3060, (Impact Factor: 0.53).
- Lalitha Saravanan, A & Mohan Lal, D 2012, ‘Experimental assessment of HC-290 as a drop-in substitute to HCFC-22 in a split air conditioner’, Proceedings of the IIR 3rd Workshop on Refrigerant Charge Reduction in Refrigerating Systems, UPV, Valencia, Spain, 25-26 October 2012.
- A. Lalitha Saravanan, M. Satthiyaraju, B. Suresh Babu, D. Sathish Kumar, K. Parthiban ‘Machine Learning for Prediction of Supply Air Temperature and Humidity in VRV Air Conditioning System’, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Multifunctional Materials Processing in Engineering (ICMSME-2022), Coimbatore, 9-10 December 2022.
- Kumaraswamy J, Nishikant Kishor Dhapekar, D. Sakthivel, A. Lalitha Saravanan, K Karthik and Krishna Kant Pandey 2024 ‘Optimizing Gudgeon Pin Material and Design for Stress Concentration Reduction through FEA Analysis’, 3rd International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2023), NIT Jalandhar, 23-25 November 2023.
- S. Padmanabhan, S. S. K. Deepak, Abhishek Bhandari, S. Ramasubramanian, A. Lalitha Saravanan, S C V Ramana Murty Naid and Krishna Kant Pandeyd 2024 ‘Investigation of Turning Parameters on Al7075 Alloy Reinforcement with Silicon Carbide for a Surface Roughness of Composite Material’, 3rd International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2023), NIT Jalandhar, 23-25 November 2023.
- Lalitha Saravanan, A, Sakthi Murugan, R & Mohan Lal, D 2013, “Charge reduction design strategies for propane as a refrigerant in split air conditioners”, 3rd National Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (NCRAC-2013) IIT Madras, Chennai, 12-14 December 2013.
- An Artificial Intelligence Based Safety Door for Securing a Baby from Kidnapping and Monitoring Baby Activities – Dr.M. Satthiyaraju, Dr.A. Lalitha Saravanan, Application ID :202241026843, 2022.
- Automatic Waste collector – Dr.B. Sureshbabu, Dr.A. Lalitha Saravanan, Dr.M.Satthyaraju, Application ID :387659-001,2023.
- Power Generation through Shock Absorber- Dr. B. Sureshbabu, Dr.A.Lalitha Saravanan, Dr.M.Satthyaraju, S.Navaneethan, D.Sathish Kumar, R.C.Gowrishankar, B.Vignesh, Application ID : 387864-001,2023.
- Solar Tracking System Machine- Dr.B.Sureshbabu, Dr.A. Lalitha Saravanan, Dr. M.Satthyaraju, S.Navaneethan, D.Sathish Kumar, R.C.Gowrishankar, B.Vignesh, Application ID : 387865-001,2023.
- Tilting Vice Machine-
- Nil
Programs organized:
- Coordinated an event in national level technical symposium “Taruna 24” held in Kathir College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 14th March 2024.
Programs Attended:
- International Workshop-Integrated CO2 Refrigeration Systems for LT, MT & HT applications and supermarkets-R&AC Lab-IIT Madras,12-03-2018 & 13-03-2018.
- Good servicing practices, Leak Prevention and Introduction to Alternative Refrigerants for Refrigeration and Air conditioning Appliances- Anna University, Chennai-21-09-2013 & 22-09-2013.
- Good practice in CFC handling, servicing & Retrofitting of Refrigeration Appliances using Alternate Refrigerants- Anna University, Chennai-07-01-2012 & 08-01-2012.
- One Day Online Workshop on Solar Cell Panel and Its Applications on 23.03.2022, by College of Fisheries Engineering, Tamil Nadu Dr.J.Jayalalithaa Fisheires University, Nagapattinam.
Faculty Development Program:
- Short term computer course on C & Visual Basic- completed Dec 2000 to February 2001.
- “Pro-E certified course” from Doux Systems-completed Dec 2002 to January 2003.
- CATIA V5 user level course by Dassault Systems (EDS Technologies)-13 Oct 2008 to 18 Oct 2008.
- Two week Faculty Development Training Programme on ME6602 Automobile Engineering-MIT, Anna University-26-11-2018 to 7-12-2018.
- AICTE Sponsored One week Short Term Training Programme on ‘MULTIDISCIPLINARY COMPETENCY TRAINING FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERS’ ; Series 2 – Basic Knowledge on emerging technology in the engineering field organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, SKCET from 2-11-2020 to 07-11-2020.
- Webinar “Artificial Intelligence for Mechanical Engineering” JCT, Coimbatore, 03-03-22.
- Bilateral Virtual Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Emergency – Visions and Missions (GWCE – 2022)” SASTRA University, 11-03-22 & 12-03-2022.
- Nil
- Completed eight weeks online course in NPTEL on “Engineering Mechanics – Statics and Dynamics” during Jan to March 2018.
- Completed eight weeks online course in NPTEL on “Refrigeration And Air-conditioning” during July to September 2019 with Elite.
- • Completed eight weeks online course in NPTEL on “Robotics” during July to September 2022 with Elite.
- Worked as Sales Engineer in Jayaraj Automobile Agencies, Madurai from October 2004 to March 2005.
- Worked as Lecturer in Sree Narayana Guru Polytechnic College, Madukkarai, Coimbatore from July 2005 to April 2006.
- Worked as Product Development & Design Engineer in Visteon Automotive Systems India (VASI) Pvt Ltd, Chennai from July 2008 to October 2009.
- Worked as Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engineering, Padappai, Chennai from February 2010 to June 2010.
- Worked as Teaching Fellow in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering Guindy (CEG), Chennai from July 2010 to December 2014.
- Worked as Research Scholar in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering Guindy (CEG), Chennai from January 2015 to April 2018.
- Worked as Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, VSB College of Engineering Technical Campus, Coimbatore from August 2018 to September 2020.
- Worked as Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kathir College of Engineering, Coimbatore from December 2020 to May 2024.
- Chess competition -Runner (Intra College).
- Tamil Translator for Anna University Syllabus R2017 Work and Mechanical QP Tamil works.
- NEET & JEE QP –(Mathematics & Physics) work in E-box platform.
- Life Member – Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
- Member – Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE)