Dr. V. Sasirekha
Professor & Dean (FOM)
Department Of MBA
Contact Information
Email : dean.mgmt.vdp@srmist.edu.in
- Ph.D. in Management Studies, Mother Teresa Women’s University, 2011
- M.Phil. in Marketing, Bharathiar University, 2007
- PG Diploma in Guidance and Counseling, Periyar University, 2015
- M.B.A. in Marketing, University of Madras, 1998
- B.Sc. in Chemistry, University of Madras, 1996
- Marketing Management
- Social and Digital Marketing
- Business Analytics
- Information Systems and Management
- Total Quality Management
- Advertising and Sales Promotion
- Integrated Marketing Communication
- Enterprise Resource Planning
- E-Commerce, Economics for Managers
- Business Communication
- Production and Operations Management
- Principles of Management
- Industrial Engineering and Management
Marketing concepts, general management, gender studies, artificial Intelligence and management
- Awareness of Metaverse, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: A Study with Reference to Gen Z, Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 35, Issue 1, Sept. 2023. (SCOPUS)
- Stretching beyond Big Data for Successful Digital Marketing—Accelerated for Publication—Nova Science Publishers, USA. (SCOPUS Indexed), September 2023. (SCOPUS)
- Transforming agriculture with IoT for Precision Agriculture and Sustainable Crop Management, accepted for publication, Bentham Science (SCOPUS Indexed), September 2023. (SCOPUS)
- Artificial Intelligence Marketing – Book Chapter – “Reviving Strategies on Trade and Commerce in Emerging Economies,” BIHER University, April 2023, ISBN-978-93-5891-591-4 – pp. 17
- Methods of Using Artificial Intelligence to Detect the Boundaries of Melanoma and Cardiometry Journal, No. 26, Feb. 2023
- WOMEN AND POLITICS IN INDIA: A BRIGHT DISTANT STAR, Book Chapter: Socio-Political Legal Cultural Transformation of Women in Western Himalaya: Issues and Challenges, Career Point University, Himachal Pradesh, March 2022
- Smashing the Glass Ceiling for Women’s Empowerment. Book Chapter: “Empowering Women” Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute. March 2022
- E-Service Quality Models: A Literature Review, International Journal on Global Business Management and Research, Volume 10, Issue 2, October 2021. ISSN 2278-8425, pp. 46–51
- An Association of Education and Income with Convenient Payment Modes in the E-tail Industry during the COVID pandemic, International Journal of Management Research and Social Science, 8(3), 139–142, 2021
- Social Commerce Constructs and Trust as Influencers of Consumer Decision Making
Reference to Fashion E-Tailing, International Working Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT, 371-383, December 2020. SPRINGER. (SCOPUS) - “A-Z” Necessitate Competencies for Women in the Entrepreneurial World: Conceptual Review, Women Entrepreneurship: Problems and Prospects, October 2019. KAAV Publications, Delhi
- A Study on the Role of Social Commerce Constructs for Shopping Fashion Products, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, IJCIET, Vol. 9, Iss. 1, Jan. 2018, pp. 508–518, ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 (SCOPUS)
- An Empirical Analysis of Policing Impacts: Is Cop’s Facing Difficulty in Balancing Their Work? And Life, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Vol. 9, No. 8, Aug. 2017, pp. 108–116. ISSN 1943-023X (SCOPUS)
- Advertisements impact on body image investment practices of women in India, Mass Communicator, International Journal of Communication Studies (Annexure 1), Vol. 11 Number 1, Jagannath International Management School, New Delhi, January–March 2017, ISSN No. 0973–9688, pp. 33–36.
- Public Awareness and Perception towards Swacch Bharat Abhiyan—Clean India Movement in the Dynamics of Public Administration Journal, December 2015, Vol. 32, Issue 2, pp. 171–177. ISSN: 0975-3907 Online ISSN: 0976-0733. DOI: 10.5958/0976-0733.2015.00013.9
- Numbers Do the Magic: Fast Tracking the Game—Teaching Case Study published in IPBJ International Postgraduate Business Journal, vol. 5 (Special Issues) (2), 99–112 (2013). published by the Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business (OYAGSB), Universiti Utara Malaysia
- Public Perception and Attitude towards the Solar Energy Harnessing System, Uttaranchal Business A review was published by Uttaranchal University. Vol. 3, Issue 2, December 2013. ISSN 2277-1816
- Trainee Seafarers/Mariners Perception towards a Career in Sailing, AMET International Journal of Management, published by AMET University, Issue 6: July-Dec. 2013. Vol. 6-No. 3 ISSN: 2231-6779
- Requirements Analysis for Disaster Recovery Planning at Integral Coach Factory, Chennai, The Journal of the Institute of Public Enterprise, Vol. 36, No. 1 and 2, Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, January–June 2013. ISSN 0971-1836. Abstract available online: http://www.ipeindia.org/main/uploads/IPE/JIPE/JIPE_36_12_7.pdf
- Productivity Improvement: A Work Study Analysis at the Audio Division of Hyundai Mobis India Ltd., IUP Journal of Operations Management, ICFAI University, Aug. 2013. ISSN. 0972-6888. Available online: http://www.iupindia.in/1308/Operations%20Management/Productivity_Improvement.html
- Profiling of Stock Market Investors in Chennai—KHOJ Journal of Indian Management Research and Practices, MAEER-MIT School of Management, Pune, ISSN 0976-8262, 2013
- Effectiveness of Japanese Manufacturing Techniques at Lucas TVS Ltd., Chennai, Journal of Management and Science, Issue No. 12, Vol. III, April 2013, pp. 150–157. Print ISSN: 2249-1260; online ISSN: 2250-1819
- Effectiveness of the Performance Management System at the Defense Quality Assurance Organisation DGQA, GJCM, Global Journal of Contemporary Management, Doon Business School, Deharadun, ISSN 2249-1899, Vol. II, No. 2, December 2012
- Comparative Analysis of SHG-Bank Linkage Among Selected Banks in Tamil Nadu, QUEST bi-annual refereed Journal of Management and Research, Tolani Institute . of Management . Studies, Gujarat, Vol. III, Issue I,December 2012, pp. 65–74. ISSN-0976-3317
- Body Image Dissatisfaction among Married Women in India: Impact of Mass Media, Journal of Media Studies, Vol. 27(2), July 2012, pp. 149–165. © 2010 ICS Publications, www.jms.edu.pk, Pakistan
- Advertisement Pressure and Its Impact on Body Dissatisfaction and Body Image Perception of Women in India: A Review of Current Research, Global Media Journal, Indian Edition, Kolkata University, Summer Issue, June 2012, Vol. 3/No. 1, ISSN 2249-5835
- E-Service Quality Strategies on E-Tailing in the COVID Scenario, Proceedings of the 2nd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Information Science, Management Research and Social Sciences (ICISMRSS-2021), Alpha Arts and Science College
- Management Lessons from The Epic Ramayana, Incon on Mythology: In Literature and Culture, Shankarlal Sundarbai Shasun Jain College for Women, March 2021
- Smart watch for workers to prevent major gas leakage accidents in India. The design was accepted and published in 2022. Patent No. 202241010125
- Machine learning-based paralytic patient health monitoring technology, Design Accepted and Published May 2022
- A System to Analyse Employee Performance and Simulate the Leadership Quality of an Individual in an organization. Application Number: 350114-001, CBR No. 207939
- TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT, Thakur Publishers, Lucknow, ISBN 978-9382249-22-1, December 2013. REPRINT ISBN: 9789387093317
- Marketing Management, Deccan International Academic Publishers. February 2023. ISBN 978-81-962206-0-0 EDITORIAL VOLUME/RRESPONSIVE BOOK
- HOLISTIC RESEARCH PERSPECTIVES, 4th Edition, Bonfring Publishers, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, August 2019 (ISBN: 978-938-78-6282-1)
- Global Business Strategy in a Competitive Environment, Kalaignan Publishers, ISBN No. 978-93-80627-18-2, Sept. 2009.
- NITTTR – 8 Modules
- NPTEL – Courses
- Faculty Awards Jury Panellist, ASET Journal, September 5, 2023
- Jury Panelist: Model G20 YuvaManthan, Sairam Homoeopathy Medical College, Chennai, August 18, 2023
- Guest Speaker: One-Day Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Corporate Management, Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai, August 7, 2023
- WIE Day 2023 Guest Speaker, organised by the IEEE student branch, Jeppiar Engineering College, Chennai, July 16, 2023
- Guest Speaker: No Drug Campaign, Somangalam Government School, Chennai
- Keynote Speaker: International Seminar on Sustainable Development and Green Business Models, ASET College of Science and Technology, in association with the Institute of Rail Transport, New Delhi, January 31, 2023
- Chief Guest, Paper Presentation, COMMEX 2022, National Level Inter-Collegiate Event, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram, Chennai, September 23, 2022
- Chief Guest: Women’s Day Celebrations, TIEMA, Thirumudivakkam Industrial Estate Manufacturers Association, March 11, 2022
- Chief Guest: Women’s Day Celebrations, Sai Ram Homoeopathy College, Chennai, March 12, 2022
- Valedictory Keynote Speaker: International Conference on Contemporary Research in Engineering, Science, Management and Arts (ICCRESMA), 27–29 January 2022, NFED, Coimbatore
- Session Chair, Technical Session, “International Conference on Emerging Approaches in Business Management: Agile Interdisciplinary Practices” (ICEABM 2021), November 26, 2021, SRMIST Vadapalani, Chennai
- Impact Lecture Series on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, October 30, 2021, organised by IIC and IQAC, Nazareth College of Arts and Science, Chennai
- Speaker: Social Entrepreneurship, LEAP (Leadership Experience Action Programme), July 28, 2021, organised by LEAP, Coimbatore
- Session Chair: 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Management (ICETSEM), 15th and 16th July 2021, organised by GM Institute of Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India
- Session Chair: ATAL FDP, organised by Gurukula Kangri Deemed University, Haridwar, Uttarakand. 21–25 May 2021
- Session Chair at the 1st INCON on Technology Innovative Educational and Multidisciplinary Skills in the 21st Century (ICTEMR 2021), March 27–28, 2021, organised by Eastern Institute of Technology, Suvarnabhumi, Thailand
- Addressed the volunteers of BHUMI NGO on Women in Leadership and Management on account of International Women’s Day celebrations on March 7th, 2021, on Zoom Platform
- International Keynote Speaker for the Global Web Conference on Impact of Engineering, Science and Management on Digital Transformation (IESMDT ‘2021) on January29 and 30, 2021, organised by NFED, Chennai
- Implications of Marketing Strategies on Consumer Behavior (January 29, 2021), organised by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Vadapalani Campus, Chennai
- Key Note Speaker for the Third International Conference on Interdisciplinary Global Applied Research (ICIGAR-2020), Vellore, India
- Session Speaker: Women in Leadership and Management, at St. Marys College, Thoothukudi, International Seminar on Women Empowerment and Entrepreneurship, December 9, 2019.
- Women’s Day Address: #balanceforbetter, at Caterpillar India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, March 8, 2019
- Session Speaker: Digital Marketing Strategies: 4P’s for Agribusiness, NITTE Deemed University, Manipal, September 25, 2018
- Session Chair: Marketing, 2nd INCON, organised by the MEASI Institute of Management. 19th August 2017
- Participated in the News7 Tamil KELVI NERAM LIVE Programme on June 14th, 2016—Discussion on Engineering Colleges
- Resource Person: Portrayal of Women in Media, for overseas participants, organised by NITTTR (National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Ministry of HRD), Taramani, Chennai. 2010
- Resource Person: Time Management at the Tamil Nadu Police Academy for 400 women commandos (2008 Batch)
- Resource Person: Time Management for Doctors, Madras Medical Mission and Research Hospital, Chennai, 2007
- Professor, Sri Sairam Institute of Management Studies, Sri Sairam Engineering College, April 2012–September 2023
- Assistant Professor, 4 years, Sri Sairam Institute of Management Studies, Sri Sairam Engineering College, 2008–April 2012
- Senior Lecturer, 4 years, Sri Sairam Institute of Management Studies, Sri Sairam Engineering College, 2004–2008
- Lecturer: 4.5 years, Sri Sairam Institute of Management Studies, Sri Sairam Engineering College, 2000–2004
- Lecturer and Management Trainee, Department of Management Studies, Hindustan College of Engineering, Nov. 1999–May 2000
- Programmer Trainee, CBSI (India) Limited (Covansys), Chennai
- Management Trainee, Hindustan College of Engineering., Chennai
- Market Development Executive at SOLUS RANBAXY PHARMACEUTICALS Ltd., Chennai
- DISTINGUISHED EDUCATOR & SCHOLAR AWARD 2020 by the National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development (NFED) Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
- TOP 50 RESEARCH GUIDES ACROSS INDIA Award 2019, ULektz Learning Academy, Chennai
- WOMEN ACHIEVERS AWARD 2014, Education Today, Karka Kalvi Chudar
- BEST PAPER AWARD: In INCON at “Madras Christian College” in the year 2016
- BEST PAPER AWARD: In INCON at “Queen Mary’s College” in the year 2015
- IEEE – Membership
- ISTE – Life Membership
- Exemplary CSR Initiatives in the Wake of the Pandemic and Corporate Branding, Apple Academic Press, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group
- Responsible Management Practice for Sustainability: A Review of CSR, Apple Academic Press, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group
Work in Progress
- Predicting employee performance using predictive models
- The Role of HR Analytics in People Management
- National Foundation for Entrepreneurship and Development, Coimbatore, August 2023–2025
- Centre for Research and Training (CRT), a unit of the National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development, Coimbatore, India
- Conference Facilitator: INCON on Recent Advances in Engineering and Computer Applications, 2023, 14th and 15th July, organised by LJ School of Computer Applications, LJ University, Ahmedabad, in association with IFERP
- National Advisory Board Member, Technovate Educational and Consulting Service, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
- Jury Panelist: South India ASDF Awards, April 2, 2022, Chennai, India
- National Advisory Board Member: International Conference on Emerging Business Management 2021, on November 26th, organised by the SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Vadapalani Campus, Chennai
- Organising Secretary: INCON on Contemporary Research in Engineering, Science, Management and Arts (ICCRESMA), powered by the National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development (NFED), India, is scheduled for February 28–29 in Chennai
- National Advisory Board Member of INCON on Recent Trends in Engineering, Management and Science-2019 (ICRTEMS-2019), September 26th–27th, 2019 at Delhi Institute of Technology Management & Research (DITMR), Faridabad, Haryana. http://icrtems.com/national.php
- ASET Journal of Management Science, Editorial Board Member
- BOHR International Journal of Financial Markets and Corporate Finance (BIJFMCF)—Associate Editor—indexed in Google Scholar
- Journal of Management and Sustainability, ISSN 1925-4725, E-ISSN 1925-4733 Published by the Canadian Centre of Science and Education, Canada
- ADRRI Journal (Multidisciplinary) is the official journal of the Africa Development and Resources Research Institute (ADRRI), Ghana, Africa
- The ADRRI Journal of Arts and Social Sciences is the official journal of the Africa Development and Resources Research Institute (ADRRI), Ghana, Africa
- International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Development Studies, Bangalore, ISSN: 2079-2549
- Global research journal on information and communication studies: http://grjlis.wordpress.com/editorial-board/
- International Journal of Research in Management: http://acmeintellects.org/index.php/board/74-board-of-intellects
- Journal of Mass Communication, Enriched Publications, New Delhi, www.enrichedpub.com