Dr. V. Suresh
Assistant Professor
Department Of BBA
Contact Information
Email : sureshv2@srmist.edu.
- Ph.D. (Business Administration)., Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, 2020
- M.Phil. (Management)., Prist University, 2012
- B.Ed. (Economics)., Indira Gandhi Institute of Higher Education, 2006
- M.B.A (Management)., Indira Gandhi Institute of Higher Education, 2001
- M.A (Economics)., University of Madras, 2000
- B.A (Economics)., University of Madras, 1996
- Human Resource Management
- Strategic Management
- Organizational Behaviour
- Marketing Management
- Services Marketing
- Retail Management
- Business Ethics and Values
- Principles of Management
- Managerial Economics
- Marketing
- Services Marketing
- Marketing and society
- An Investigation on Purchase Behaviour of Buyer White Durable Goods with Exceptional Reference to Chennai, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1, Jan–February 2016. (ISSN No. 2395-6011) UGC-approved journal
- An Examination of Customer Satisfaction with Washing Machine Customers in Chennai City, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, Mar-Apr. 2017. (ISSN No. 2395-1990) UGC-approved journal
- A Study of Unethical Advertisements Towards FMCG-EIJFMR, Volume IV, Special Edition, March 2018. ISSN No:2395-5929. UGC-approved Journal, Jr. No. 45308 Impact Factor 1.14
- Aerobic Exercise’s Effect on Bank Employees’ Organisational Commitment. Turkish Journal of Physiotheraphy and Rehabilitation: 32(3) ISSN: 2651-4451/e-ISSN 2651-446x May5, 2021
- Women in the information technology sector’s exploration of financial knowledge and investment decisions. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 18(10) (2021)
- Influence of Conflict Management Styles on Organisational Commitment among Bank Employees. International Journal of PsychoSocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Issue 06, 2019 ISSN:1475-7192
- A Strategic View of Competency Mapping on Organisational Commitment with a Focus on Bank Employees (TOJQI) Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2021: 5144-5154
- Employees of the Rail Coach Engineering Factory’s Talent Management and Team Effectiveness Design Engineering. ISSN: 0011-9342, Vol. 2021, Issue: 08/pages 363–373
- TEXT Mining and Sentiment Analysis of Online Customer Reviews for Food Delivery Apps: (QDS) Analysing Qualitative Data. Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue), ISSN 2319-4979, October 2021
- Sentiment Analysis and Text Mining of Online Customer Reviews for Digital Wallet Apps in the Fintech Industry International Journal of Aquatic Science ISSN: 2008-8019, Vol. 12, Issue 03, 2021
- Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Organisational Commitment among Bank Employees. Indian Journal of Adult Education, 82(1), ISSN: 0019-5006. January–March 2021. UGC Care
- Social and Ethical Implications of Visual Advertising—Perceptual Studies—Competitive Business Strategies for Sustainable Development, Hindustan College of Arts and Science, Chennai, September 2012. (ISBN No. 978-93-81208-11-3)
- Ethical and Social Issues in TV Advertising: An Academic Perspective Study—Igniting Entrepreneurial Spirit in Young Minds, RMD Engineering College, Thiruvallur, 20.10.2012, pp. 295–298. (ISBN No.978-81-905380-2-2)
- Entrepreneurship Intraorganizational Networks: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century, SRM University, February27, 2014, pp. 137–139. (ISBN No. 978-93-80577-04-3)
- A Perspective Study on Digital Marketing (SRM BIZAD) Research Review, SRM University, February26, 2015, pp. 209–212. (ISSN No. 0952-4957)
- A Study on the Social and Ethical Issues of E-Commerce. Contemporary Issues in Management, 28 February and 1 March 2014. ISBN No.: 978-81-923607-6-8, p. 410
- A Conceptual Study on the Implications of Visual Advertising on Consumer Behaviour, “Managing Global Business: Challenges and Strategies,” SRM BIZAD Research Review, SRM University, March31, 2016. Volume 2, No. 1, p. 403–406, ISSN: 0952-4957
- Participated in the International Conference on Data Sciences in Business Application on February 12th and 13th, 2015, by the Faculty of Management, SRM University, Kattankulathur
- Framed SRMIST, CSH, @ KTR campus, University Curriculum Syllabus for the year 2020 regulation
- Invited as a question paper setter for various universities and autonomous colleges
- Acted as External Flying Squad Duty during the University Examination at SRMIST, CSH, RPM Campus, Chennai
- Resource Person Career Guidance Cell, Centre of Professional Excellence and Career Guidance Cell, Dr.M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute organised a webinar on time management on April28, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.
- Session Chair (Marketing Track) of the of the AICTE-sponsored national e-conference on “Digital Innovations and Business Transformations in the Era of the New Normal—DIBTNN 2022, held on June 1 and 2, 2022
- Resource Person for the FDP Department of Financial Planning, Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute on “ICT-Enabled Teaching,” held on December 14–16, 2022
- Session Chair (Information Technology Track) International Conference on “Frontiers of Management Practices for Economic Sustainability” (ICFMPES 2017) organised by the Department of Management Studies, St. Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research
- Management Principles
- Consumer Behaviour
- Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Vadapalani Campus, Chennai, September 2016 to date
- Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur Campus, Chennai, September 2011 to September 2016
- Assistant Professor, Department of Management Science, Shree Chandraprabhu Jain College, Chennai, June 2007 to September 2011
- Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Sridevi Arts and Science College, Chennai, June 2006 – May 2007
- Lecturer, Department of Economics, St. Joseph’s College, Chennai, June 2001 – May 2006
- Framed SRMIST, CSH, @ KTR campus, University Curriculum Syllabus for the year 2020 regulation
- Acted as External Flying Squad Duty during the University Examination at SRMIST, CSH, and RPM Campus,Chennai
- I am working as a member of the Rotaract Club at SRMIST, CSH, VDP Campus, Chennai. 2023 (to date)
- I am working as a placement coordinator for business administration at SRMIST, CSH, VDP Campus, Chennai. 2022–2023)
- I am working as a NAAC coordinator for Criterion II at SRMIST, CSH, VDP, Chennai. (2022–2023) 6 I am working as an alumni coordinator in the department of business administration at SRMIST, CSH, VDP,Chennai. 2022–2023)
- I am a member of the Value Added Certificate Course for Business Administration students. (2022– 2023)
- I am a member of the NPTEL course for the faculties of CSH and Business Administration students.2022–2023)
- In charge of the students and mentors altogether for the past 12 years on both KTR and VDP campuses
- Undergoing External University Examination Question Paper Setting and Evaluation at D.G. Vaishnav College, DB Jain College and AMET University, Chennai
- Undergone Industrial Visit for I Year Business Administration Students @ AAVIN Plant, Madhavaram, Chennai
- Madras Management Association (MMA)