Dr. M. Nalini
Assistant Professor
Department of Commerce
Contact Information
Email : nalinim1@srmist.edu.in
- Ph.D. (Pursuing)
- M.Phil. Commerce, VELS University, 2017
- M.Com. Commerce, Bharat University, 2009
- B.Com. Commerce, Bharat University, 2007
- Financial Accounting
- Human Resource Management
- Business Law
- HR
- Education
- SCOPUS, European Chemistry Bullitien, Factors of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour and Their Effectiveness: A Study Regarding the Manufacturing Industry in and around Chennai, Eur.che.Bull.2023, 12(s2) 958–962, 29.01.2023
- SCOPUS, Validation of factors of organisational justice in commercial banks: A Study with Reference to Chennai City EUR.Che.Bull. 2023, 12(S2) 963-967