Dr. P. Chitra
Professor & Head
Department of Computer Science & Engineering – Emerging Technologies
Contact Information
- Ph.D. ICE from Anna University, Chennai, 2013
- M.E. CSE, Jerusalem College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, 2006
- B.E. CSE, Periyar Maniammai College of Engineering and Technology, Thanjavur, 1992
- Deep Learning
- Data Science
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computational Statistics
- Computer Vision
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Data Mining
- P. Chitra, K. Subhashini, Vijaya, and M. Gopikrishnan, “Experimental Analysis of Machine Learning-Based Node Failure Prediction Using Game Theory Strategy,” AIP Conference Proceedings (ISSN:0094-243X, ISSN:1551-7616), September 2022
- D. Shiny Irene, Chitra Pasupathi, and T. Sethukarasi, “A Comprehensive Analysis of Data Mining Techniques Adopted to Affluence Classification and Retrieval in Health Record Databases,” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Vol. 17, 3733–3743, 2020, American Scientific Publisher. (Scope Listed)
- P. Subhashini, P. Chitra, M. Gopikrishnan, and S. Jayanthi, “DIGITAL MEDICAL ASSISTANT KIOSK USING IoT,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision, High Performance Computing, Smart Devices and Networks (CHSN-2020), Springer Nature Singapore. (Accepted)
- India Patent, “System and Method for Visual Rendering-Based Learning Aid for Hearing Impaired Students,” 202241024514 A, The Patent Office Journal No. 19/2022, Dated May 13, 2022, pp. 29791
- Indian Patent, “Ecommerce Sales Forecasting Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning,” 202141053798, The Patent Office Journal No. 50/2021 Dated 10-12-2021
- P. Rajasekar, Rekha Baghel, P. Chitra, R. Arul Jose, and Aruna Kumar Joshi, “CLOUD-BASED FARM MONITORING USING IOT,” International Journal of Modern Agriculture, Volume 10, No. 1, 2021, ISSN: 2305-7246, March 2021. (Web of Science)
- Indian Patent, “Intelligent Connectivity Driving Using Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks for Future Transportation,” 202111004715A, The Patent Office Journal No. 07/2021 Dated 12-02-2021, Pp. 6588
- Indian Patent, “A System And Method To Prevent Unconscious Driving Behaviours,” 202041042968 A, The Patent Office Journal No. 41/2020 Dated 09-10-2020, Pp. 52481
- Balachandra Pattanaik, P. Chitra, H.R. Lakshmi, G. Thamarai Selvi, and V. Nagaraj, “Contrasting Performance Metrics of Discrete Transformations on Digital Image Steganography using Artificial Intelligence”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Cite Score: 1.3, ISSN: 2214-7853, S-Bland-Elsevier Science BV, Jan 2021. (Scopus Indexed Journal)
- Mohana Geetha Dhandapani, P. Chitra, M. Umamaheswari, P. Naveen, and V. Nagaraj, “Smart Fertiliser Management System Based on IoT Chlorophyll Metre,” Scopus Indexed Journal Materials Today: Proceedings, Cite Score: 1.3, ISSN: 2214-7853, S-Bland Elsevier Science BV, December 2020
- P. Chitra, M. Jayabharathi, M. Lakshmi Priya, and S. Yogalakshmi, “Public Crime Reporting and Monitoring Systems,” International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, ISSN 2321 3361, pp. 20483-20487, 2019
- P. Chitra, G.V. Saikrishna, and S. Janani, “Smart Ambulance Service,” International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, ISSN 2321-3361, pp. 20635–20639, 2019
- P. Chitra, P. Pavithran, V. Saranya, et al., “GPS-based Dengue Risk Index App,” Journal of Computer Technology & Applications, 2018; 9(1): 12–16
- P. Chitra, A. Magendran, S. Magesh, and D. Raja, “Automatic Irrigation and Motion Detection Using IoT,” International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), ISSN: 2320-2882, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Page No. 1690-1694. (UGC Care, 49023)
- P. Chitra, K.H. Aiswarya, D. Aswini, and K.G. Geetha, “Efficient Clinical Decision Support System, International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, March 2017, ISSN 2321-3361, pp. 5868–5873
- P. Chitra, N. Naveena, R. Priyanka, and D. Priyatharsini, “Online Smart Purohit Booking System Based on Category, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, ISSN (online): 2320-9801, ISSN (print): 2320-9798, Vol. 5, Issue 3, March 2017
- P. Chitra, R. Kumaravel, and R.B. Arun Kumar, “ERP FOR GROCERY SHOP, International Journal of Innovative Computer Science & Engineering, Volume 4 Issue 2, March-April 2017, Page No. 22–27, ISSN: 2393-8528
- P. Chitra, A. Bhargavi, C.H. Lohitha, and K. Pavithra, “Product Comparisons with Improved Reliability,” International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Volume 4, Issue III, March 2016, ISSN: 2321-9653, pp. 823–825
- P. Chitra, L. Sam Joseph, N. Vimal, and B. Yuvaraj, “Incremental Map Reduce for Efficient Data Retrieval”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 3, March 2016, ISSN (online): 2320-9801, pp. 3598–3604
- U. Divya, Chitra Pasupathi, “Survey on Machine Learning Approaches for Solar Irradiation Prediction,” International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, Vol. 3(10), ISSN: 2277-9655, pp. 478–482, 2014. (IF : 3.785)
- U. Divya, Chitra Pasupathi, “Solar Radiation Prediction using Temporal Gaussian Process Regression, conference on Advances in Emerging Technology, March 2015, Chennai, pp. 28
- R. Praveen Kumar, R. Sanjay Kumar, D. Yugesh, and Chitra Pasupathi, “Clinical Decision Support System with Evidence Gathering Using Big Data,” Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on Innovation in Intelligence and Computing Technologies (2015), April 2015, Chennai, pp. 1–5
- U. Divya, Chitra Pasupathi, Solar Radiation Prediction using Temporal Gaussian Process Regression, International Journal of Emerging Technology in Computer Science & Electronics (IJETCSE), ISSN 0976-1353, 2015, pp. 347–352. (IF:1.012)
- U. Divya, Chitra Pasupathi, “A Machine Learning Approach to Predict Solar Radiation for Solar Energy-Based International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology (IJCSET), ISSN : 2229-3345, Vol. 6, No. 5, May 2015, pp. 289–294
- Chitra Pasupathi, Baskaran Ramachandran and Sarukesi Karunakaran, “Web Document Segmentation Using Frequent Term Sets for Summarization,” Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 8(12), ISSN 1549-3636, pp. 2053–2061, January 2013. (IF : 1.648) (SCimago Journal and Country Ranked, AU Annexure II)
- Chitra Pasupathi, Baskaran Ramachandran, and Sarukesi Karunakaran, “Efficient Query Sensitive Summarization using Frequent Term Sets Based Document Segments,” European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 84 No. 3, pp. 433–444, 2012. (IF : 0.468) (Scimago Journal and country ranking up to 2014)
- P. Chitra, R. Baskaran, and K. Sarukesi, “Query Sensitive Comparative Summarization of Search Results Using Concept Based Segmentation”, Computer Science & Engineering: An International Journal (CSEIJ), Vol. 1, No. 5, December 2011, pp. 31–43, DOI : 10.5121/cseij.2011.1503
- Chitra Pasupathi, R. Baskaran, and Sarukesi Karunakaran, “Selection-Based Comparative Summarization of Search Results Using Concept-Based Segmentation,” The Fourth International Conference on Network Security & Applications (CNSA-2011), Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Verlag, Germany, ISSN 18650929, pp. 655–654, 2011. (SCImago Journal and Country Ranked)
- Dr. P. Chitra, Dr. Sandhya, ‘Foundations of Data Science’, Magnus Publications, September 2022. . (ISBN :13-978-81-957774-5-7)
- P. Chitra, R Hiten and Rohit kasat, “Video anomaly detection by mulipath frame prediction”, International Research Conference on IoT, Cloud and Data Science, April 2023.
- P. Chitra, Aravind R. K. , Shriram G and V. Anand Arun, “Detect and Alert unauthorized weapon usage with HAAR Casecade and YOLO v7”, International Research Conference on IoT, Cloud and Data Science, April 2023.
- P. Chitra, A. Thiripuram, R. Balapriya, S. N, R. Raman and D. R. S. Victoria, “A Fast and Robust Regression Model for Keyframes Extraction,” IEEE International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS), Chennai, India, 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICPECTS56089.2022.10046701.
- ChitraPasupathi and VijayaKalavakonda, “Evidence Based Health Care System Using Big Data for Disease Diagnosis”, Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference On Advances in Electrical& Electronics, Information, Communication & Bio Informatics AEEICB – 2016, February 2016, Chennai, pp. 748-752.
- U.Divya, ChitraPasupathi, “Solar Radiation Prediction using Temporal Gaussian Process Regression”,International conference on advances in Emerging Technology, March 2015, Chennai, pp. 28.
- R.Praveen Kumar, R.Sanjay Kumar, D.Yugesh, ChitraPasupathi, “Clinical Decision Support System with Evidence Gathering using Big Data”, Proceedings of Fifth National Conference on Innovation in Intelligence and Computing Technologies – 2015, April 2015, Chennai, pp. 1-5.
- P.Chitra, K.Sarukesi, R.Baskaran and P.Dhavachelvan, “Framework for Intelligent Web Search Engine Using Location aware Searching”, Third International Conference on Data Management ICDM-2010, pp. 94-106, NewDelhi, 2010.
- Presented a session on priority packet scheduling algorithms in the Workshop on Research Challenges in Wireless and Optical Communication Networks, conducted by the Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, CEG, Anna University, March30-31, 2007
Working Papers:
- Key frame extraction for video analytics
- Crypto Currency Market Price Prediction
Work in Progress:
- Water body depletion analysis
- Product recommendation using sentiment analysis
- Key frame detection in surveillance videos
- Professor, Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College, Kodambakkam, Chennai, 2021-2022
- Professor and Head, Prathyusha Engineering College, Chennai, 2014-2021
- Associate Professor, RMK Engineering College, Chennai, 2010–2014
- Assistant Professor, RMK Engineering College, Chennai, 2007-2010
- Assistant Professor, St. Peter’s Engineering College, Chennai, 2005–2007
- Lecturer, St. Peter’s Engineering College, Chennai, 2000–2005
- Systems Officer, PREPARE, NGO, Chennai, 1997–2000
- Programmer, Online Informatics Systems, Trichy, 1992-1995
- Presented a paper titled “Framework for an Intelligent Web Search Engine Using Location-Aware Searching” at the 3rd International Conference on Data Management held from March11 to 12, 2010 IMT, Ghaziabad, New Delhi
- I participated in the International Conference on “Recent Trends in Computing and Communications” conducted by Forum Act and KC Tech at KCG College of Technology, Chennai, on December18 and 19, 2009
- I participated in the International Conference on “Web Intelligent Systems” from January8–10, 2009, at Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai
- I participated in the “MISSION 10X” workshop organised by WIPRO at RMK Engineering College from February26 to March1, 2008
- I presented a research paper at the International Conference on Computer Vision, High Performance Computing, Smart Devices and Networks at St. Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, on July23, 2021
- I attended the webinar on “Get the Big Picture: Demystifying the Government’s Artificial Intelligence Policy” by Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology on October10, 2020
- I attended the virtual Talk on “Inspirational Leadership and Motivation” by Mr. Shiv Khera, organised by IGNOU on September28, 2020
- I attended the Leadership Talk organised by Dr. Abhay Jere, Chief Innovation Officer, MHRD’s Innovation Cell, on May16, 2020
- I attended a webinar on “OBE Implementation & Academic Automation to Achieve Excellence Leading to Accreditation Readiness through IonCUDOS,” organised by IonIdea, India, on April7, 2020
- I attended the TPO and Principal Meet at INFOSYS TECHNOLOGIES on “INFYTQ” in Mahindra City during January 2020
- I attended a three-day “Academic Leadership Workshop on SI for Principals” from March29 to 31, 2019 at IIIT-Hyderabad
- I attended the “Industry Summit” by IBM at Hotel Leela Palace, Bangalore, on August31, 2017
- I attended the Conclave on Professional Development in Business Analytics on August 10 and 11, 2017 at SSN Engineering College, Chennai
- I participated in the workshop on “Solar Resource Assessment and Solar Project Development.” I completed the workshop on “High Impact Presentation Skills” organised by WIPRO at RMK Engineering College on February26 and 27, 2008. (Attested by Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. Trainer and WIPRO.) held at the National Institute of Wind Energy, Chennai, on November12, 2014
- I attended the AICTE-sponsored national seminar on “Data Mining and Data Warehousing” at St. Peter’s Engineering College from March1 to March3, 2007
- I attended the STTP on “MERN STACK DEVELOPMENT” by SRMIST, Kattankulathur, from August8th to 13th, 2022
- I attended the workshop on “AICTE Incorporating Universal Human Values in Education (An AICTE Initiative)” from March14 to 19, 2022
- IEEE Workshop on “Handwritten Digit Recognition Using Machine Learning” from March5 to 6, 2022, at Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College
- I attended a 5-day online FDP on “Creative Thinking” conducted by ICT Academy from June5, 2021, to June11, 2021.
- I attended a 3-day online FDP on “Scientific Writing for High Impact Journal,” conducted by Kongu Engineering College, from April28 to April30, 2021
- I attended a 5-day online FDP on “conflict management” conducted by ICT Academy from April20, 2021 to April24, 2021
- I attended a 6-day online FDP on “NLP techniques for teaching Gen-Z students: Rethinking New Ways of Communication” at the School of Management, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, from February1, 2021, to February6, 2021
- I attended a 10-day training on applied deep learning for medical data analysis by EduxLabs India from October27th, 2020, to November9th, 2020
- I attended the 6-day AICTE-sponsored online STTP on “Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing-III” organised by RMD Engineering College from September14th to September19th, 2020
- I attended the 5-day ATAL Online FDP on “Design Thinking” conducted by Vellore Institute of Technology from September14th to September18th, 2020
- I attended the 5-day ATAL Online FDP on “Data Science” at Prathyusha Engineering College from September 7th to 11th, 2020
- I attended the 5-Day Online FDP on “Process Management in Problem Solving (Online Live FDP)” conducted by ICT Academy from August18 to 22, 2020
- I attended the 5-day online FDP on “Inclusive Procedures and Processes in Assessment and Accreditation by NAAC,” organised by the IQAC of St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Trichy, from June 30th to July 4th, 2020
- I attended the 5-day online FDP on “Augmented Reality: An Alternate Teaching Approach” conducted by the Kumaraguru International Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics from May30th to June3rd, 2020
- I attended the two-day industry-led training on “Amazon Web Services (AWS)” conducted by RMK Engineering College on June4 and 5, 2020
- I attended the 3-day online FDP on “Embedded and IoT BootCamp” organised by Mohammed Sathak, AJ College of Engineering, Chennai, from May 27 to May 29, 2020
- I attended the 6-day FDP on “Working Culture for Professionals” at Sri Sai Ram Engineering College, Chennai, during December 2019
- I attended a three-day “Academic Leadership Workshop on SI for Principals” from March29th to 31st, 2019 at IIIT-Hyderabad
- I attended a workshop on “Creating Chat Bots” on January26th, 2018 at IITM Research Park, Chennai
- I attended a workshop on “machine learning using Python” in November 2017 at IITM Research Park, Chennai
- I attended a one-day faculty development programme on “Recent Trends in IT Industries” at IBM on July22, 2017
- I attended two workshops on “scope for R and D projects and proposal preparation” on May12, 2017 at Anna University, Chennai
- I attended the 3-day workshop on “Internet of Things” at MIT, Chennai, on October21 and October22, 2016
- I attended the 7-day FDP on “Mobile Application on Android” organised at Prathyusha Engineering College from January4 to January14, 2016
- I attended the National Level Workshop on “IOT and Cyber Security,” organised by KCG College of Technology, Hollinganallur, on September18 and September19, 2015
- I attended the UGC-sponsored workshop on “Big Data Mining and Search,” organised by DCSE, CEG, Anna University, Chennai, from December3 to December5, 2014
- I participated in the workshop on “Solar Resource Assessment and Solar Project Development” held at the National Institute of Wind Energy, Chennai, on November12, 2014
- I attended the faculty development training programme on “cloud computing,” sponsored by Anna University, conducted at RMK Engineering College from December4 to December11, 2013
- I attended the “NBA-New Outcome-Based Accreditation” workshop on September 13 and from September 26 to September 28, 2013, organised by the NBA at RMK Engineering College
- I attended the FDP on “Creativity and Innovation” conducted by CTS at CTS, Chennai, on May9, 2013
- I participated in the workshop on “Planning and Preparing an International Quality PhD Thesis,” organised by Hindustan University in collaboration with Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai, from August16 to August18
- I attended the international workshop on “Data Mining for Web Intelligence” conducted by Madras Institute of Technology on January20 and January21, 2011
- I attended the FDP on “Information Security, Standards, and Regulations,” jointly organised by RMK Engineering College and Tata Consultancy Services Ltd., on September13, 2010
- I participated in the FDP on “Natural Computation in Engineering” organised by the IEEE Madras Section at Velammal Engineering College on February6 and February7, 2010
- I participated in the FDP on “Mobile Computing,” organised by RMK Engineering College and Tata Consultancy Services on November21, 2009
- I participated in the DSA-sponsored workshop on “Challenges in Intelligent Web Applications,” organised by the College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai, on March9 and March10, 2009
- I participated in the International Conference on “Web Intelligent Systems” from January8 to January10, 2009, at Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai
- I participated in the workshop on “Statistical Data Mining” held at the Department of Statistics, University of Madras, Chennai, on November21st and November22nd, 2008.
- I participated in the “MISSION 10X” workshop organised by WIPRO at RMK Engineering College from February26 to March1, 2008
- I completed the workshop on “High Impact Presentation Skills” organised by WIPRO at RMK Engineering College on February26th and February27th, 2008. (Attested by Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. Trainer and WIPRO.)
- I attended the AICTE QIP Short-Term Course on “Knowledge Management” from December3, 2007 to December14, 2007, organised by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Anna University Chennai
- I participated in the International Workshop on “Modern Image Processing” conducted by Dr. Aed El Sabae, University of South Alabama, USA, at RMK Engineering College on August2 and August3, 2007
- I attended the AICTE-sponsored national seminar on “Data Mining and Data Warehousing” at St. Peter’s Engineering College from March1st to March3rd, 2007
- Organized “International Research Conference on Computing Technologies for Sustainable Development “ from 9th to 10th May 2024.
- Conducted Students seminar on “Exploring the journey of Idea to Commercialization” on 15-02-2024 at SRMIST, Vadapalani, Chennai Through IPR CELL along with CIAP, SRMIST, Kattankulathur.
- Coordinated AICTE ATAL Sponsored 6 days FDP on “Unleashing the Power of Data Science for Industry 4.0” from 11-12-2023 to 16-12-2023 in SRMIST, Vadapalani, Chennai.
- Conducted faculty seminar on “Exploring the journey of Idea to Commercialization” on 30-11-2023 at SRMIST, Vadapalani, Chennai Through IPR CELL.
- Coordinated Students’ workshop on “REAL TIME DATA ANALYTICS” on 14th & 15th August 2023 at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Vadapalani Campus, Chennai.
- Coordinated Students’ workshop on “TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES FOR OBJECT DETECTION AND TRACKING IN SURVEILLANCE VIDEOS” on 9th & 10th March 2023 at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Vadapalani Campus, Chennai with resource persons from IIITDM.
- Conducted CODATHON ’23 for school students on 31st January 2023 at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Vadapalani Campus, Chennai.
- Coordinated the Anna University-sponsored 6-day online faculty development training programme on “AD8302: Fundamentals of Data Science” from June 26 to July 2, 2022, at Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College
- Organised a 5-day national-level online FDP on “Multidimensional Skillset of the Current Generation of Teaching Professionals” from June14 to June18, 2021, with all resource persons from IIT, Anna University, MIT, and reputed industries. 120 participants from all over India have participated
- Organised Alumni Talk Series 2021 (6 talks) and Alumni Talk Series 2020 (6 talks) with alumni working in WALMART, IBM, WIPRO, TCS, COGNIZANT, etc. for students at Prathyusha Engineering College
- Organised a 3-day state-level online student training programme on “logical thinking and coding” from June25 to June27, 2020
- Organised a 3-day inter-college students’ workshop on “INFYTQ” by INFOSYS TECHNOLOGIES for the Chennai Region from February13 to February15, 2020
- Organised the seminar on “Industry Readiness” for students during July 2019
- Organised the 30-hour Project Marathon Hack Fest 2K18 during February 2018 at Prathyusha Engineering College
- Organised a faculty training programme on “Python Programming” on August19, 2017 at Prathyusha Engineering College
- Organised the INFOSYS CAMPUS CONNECT peer enablement programme on FP4.1 at Prathyusha Engineering College on December15, 2017
- One of the coordinators for the 2nd IEEE International Conference on “Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication, and Bio-Informatics” on February27 and February28 at Prathyusha Engineering College
- Conducted a two-day workshop on “BIG DATA ANALYTICS” on December1 and December2, 2016
- Convened the two-day workshop on “Exploring R Tools for Statistical Data Mining” on November21 and November22, 2016
- I coordinated the 2nd IEEE International Conference on “Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication, and Bio-Informatics” on February27 and 28 at Prathyusha Engineering College
- Coordinated the Anna University-approved 7-Day Faculty Development Training Programme on “Design, Analysis, and Algorithms” from 12.15 to 23.15 at Prathyusha Engineering College
- I coordinated the workshop on “Training on Data Analytics Using R” on January11, 2016 at Prathyusha Engineering College
- I coordinated the workshop on “CCNA: Introduction to Network, Routing, and Switches” on January12, 2016 at Prathyusha Engineering College
- Coordinated the Anna University-approved 7-Day Faculty Development Training Programme on “CS6303-Computer Architecture” from May18 to May24, 2015, at Prathyusha Institute of Technology and Management
- Organised an ISTE-sponsored national conference on “Information and Communication Engineering” during February 2014
- Organised an IEEE-sponsored national conference on information and communication engineering in February 2013.
- Coordinated an “ISTE-sponsored two-day national workshop on recent trends in data mining” during February 2010 at RMK Engineering College
- Coordinated a two-day national seminar on “cryptography and network security” during December 2009
- Coordinated a national-level technical symposium four times.
- Organising committee member for the international conference conducted by IACSIT in Chennai in December 2011
- I completed a course on “Search Engine Marketing” at I Self Academy in June 2018
- Google certification in “Adwords” during June 2018
- I completed the online course “Artificial Intelligence Planning” offered by the University of Edinburgh through Coursera.org in March 2015
- I completed the online course “Big Data and Social Physics” by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, through edX.org in May 2014
- IBM certification for “Rational Functional Testing Tool” occurred in July 2012
- IBM Certified Deployment Professional—Tivoli Directory Server V6.1 during September 2010
- IBM Certified Database Associate (DB2 Fundamentals) during July 2009
- IBM Certified Associate Developer—Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software V6 during December 2009
- Course on “Web Graphics and Multimedia” at ARENA Multimedia, Anna Nagar, Chennai, during April 2004
- Rational Certification on “Essentials of Rational Unified Process and Fundamentals of Rational Rose” during July 2004
- I completed a course on “Java Programming” at STG, Chennai, in December 1999
- Syllabus sub-committee member for Anna University R 2021 syllabus and curriculum framing for CSE and IT departments
- Technical Committee member for the Third International Conference on Internet of Things (ICIOT 2022), April5 to April7, 2022, organised by the SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, School of Computing
- Conference session chair for the International Conference on Contemporary Research in Engineering, Science, Management, and Arts (ICCRESMA), conducted on Januray27 to Januray29, 2022, by the Centre for Research and Training (CRT), National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development (NFED), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
- I received the “Outstanding Woman Educator and Scholar Award” from NFED, Coimbatore, during the National Women’s Day celebrations in March 2021
- ICT Academy secured 5th place among 2438 contestants in the national-level DIGI GURU contest
- Academic council member for the Department of Information Technology at RMK Engineering College, Chennai
- Academic council member for the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at St. Peter’s University, Chennai
- Doctoral Committee member for research scholars at Anna University
- I received the CSI Best Accredited Student Branch award from CSI, India, during December 2015
- The resource person for Anna University approved the FDTP on “Computer Architecture” organised by DCSE, Prathyusha Institute of Technology and Management, on May19, 2015
- Resource person for Anna University Sponsored FDP on “Software Engineering,” organised by Jeppiar Engineering College during December 2014
- Resource Person for FDP on “Digital Principles and System Design,” organised by DCSE, Prathyusha Institute of Technology and Management on December19, 2014
- I have wide experience in NBA preparation. (PEC: Obtained for 3 Years and Extended for Further 3 Years; RMKEC-IT Dept.: Obtained for 5 Years in 2014; SPEC-IT Dept.: Obtained for 3 Years in 2007)
- Wide experience in NAAC preparation (Prathyusha Engineering College: A Grade)
- Session chair and reviewer for the International Conference on “Big Data and Cloud Computing” conducted by St. Peter’s University on March26 to March27, 2015
- ISTE : Life member (LM 74315)
- IAENG, Hong Kong : Life Member (121897)
- IACSIT, Singapore : Life member ( 80340620)