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Dr. A. Shirly Edward

Professor & HOD

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Contact Information

  • Ph.D, Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM IST (formerly SRM University),2017.
  • M.Tech(VLSI Design), SRMIST (formerly SRM University),2007.
  • B.E (ECE), University of Madras,2001.
  • Ph.D. Thesis title: Design and Architectural Analysis of Tree Search Based Detection Algorithm for MIMO Systems.

  • VLSI Signal Processing
  • Receiver Architecture designs in Wireless Communication Systems
  • Cognitive Radio
  • Image Processing

  • ASIC Design
  • Signals and Systems
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • VLSI Devices and Design
  • Linear Integrated Circuits
  • Electric Circuits
  • Digital Image Processing
  • Control Systems
  • Wireless Communication
  • Digital Logic Design using PLDs

  • “HIGH PERFORMANCE DM-DJ-JL-TFET FOR ENABLING EFFICIENT ENERGY HARVESTING APPLICATIONS” Indian Patent 202441034507, Filed:01.05.2024 Published: 10.05.2024
  • “FLEXIBLE ROBOTIC ARM CRAWLER FOR INSPECTING INDUSTRIAL PIPES” Indian Patent  202341044595, Filed: 03-07-2023, Published: 1-9-2023
  • “ORGANIC LED FARMING USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR SELF SUSTAINABILITY DURING POST COVID 19”, Indian Patent 202041052625, Filed:03.12.2020, Published: 11-12-2020
  • “SMART TROLLEY AND INVENTORY-BASED SYSTEM,” Indian Patent 202041017314, Filed: 22.4.2020, Published: 13-11-2020

Principal Investigator- 2023 SATU Joint Research Scheme(JRS)

  1. Deep Learning based Channel Prediction, Co-PI: Por,Lip Yee, University of Malaya, Malaysia

Co-Principal Investigator for the following 2023 SATU JRS projects

  1. An automatic debris detection using optimized object detection method, PI: ANIS SALWA, MOHD KHAIRUDDIN, University of Malaya, Malaysia
  2. Water Quality Detection utilising Colorimetric and Colour Histogram with Tiny Machine Learning, PI: Azizul, AZIZAN, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Co-Principal Investigator for the following 2022 SATU Joint Research Scheme(JRS) projects.

  1. Power efficient based Deep Learning using Optimal Control for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, PI: Dr.Jeevan Ganesan, University of Malaya, Malaysia
  2.  Intelligent Resource Planning for 5G/6G Networks in Disaster Management, PI: Dr.Ezra Morris, University Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
  3. Efficient Layered Division Multiplexing transmission scheme for future 5G/B5G/6G wireless networks, PI: Dr.S.Malarvizhi, SRMIST, KTR. 

  • Received Rs.25,000/- funding from Shastri Indo Canadian Institute Lecture series Grant -November 2023.
  • Received Rs.3,00,000/- funding from AICTE teaching and learning(ATAL) academy for organizing Hybrid Faculty Development Programme(FDP) on “ Internet of Things” from 12.9.22 to 23.9.22.

  • R. Linie Sharon and A. Shirly Edward, "A review on comparative performance analysis of process parameter variations in Rectangular and Triangular FinFETs," 2024 5th International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC), Trichy, India, 2024, pp. 187-193, October 2024, doi: 10.1109/ICOSEC61587.2024.10722222.
    (Indexed in Scopus)
  • M. Susandhika and A. Shirly Edward, "A Universal Approximation-Centered Deep Learning Framework for the Massive 5G MIMO-OFDM Channel Estimation," in IEEE Access, Vol. 12, pages:149351 -149366, October 2024, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3475389(Science Citation Indexed)
  • P. Seralathan and Shirly Edward, "Revolutionizing Agriculture: Deep Learning-Based Crop Monitoring Using UAV Imagery – A Review," 2024 International Conference on Expert Clouds and Applications (ICOECA), Bengaluru, India, 2024, pp. 777-784, August 2024, doi: 10.1109/ICOECA62351.2024.00139. (Indexed in Scopus)
  • Sathiya, R., Rishi, P., Anita Christaline, J., Shirly Edward, A., Akila, V., Vasuki, A. (2024). Formulation of Single Switch Integrated Zeta-Flyback Converter for Food Processing Application, Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing. ICRTC 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 954. Springer, Singapore.
  • Karthik. S, Shirly Edward. A and Tamilarasi. R, “A Survey Based on FinFET Breaking the Moore’s Law Barrier with Future Wireless Communication System,” in 2024 3rd International Conference on Sentiment Analysis and Deep Learning (ICSADL), Bhimdatta, Nepal, 2024 pp. 517-523.
    doi: 10.1109/ICSADL61749.2024.00090
  • Divya. K, Shirly Edward. A and D. A. Sahaya Dhas, “A Systematic Review of Fetal Cardiac Abnormality with Future Directions,” 2024 4th International Conference on Innovative Practices in Technology and Management (ICIPTM), Noida, India, June 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICIPTM59628.2024.10563843.
  • V.Akila, J Anita Christaline, A. Shirly Edward, “Novel Feature Generation for Classification of Motor activity from Functional Near- Infrared Spectroscopy Signals using Machine Learning” Diagnostics, MDPI, May 2024(Science Citation Indexed)
  • Susandhika M, Shirly Edward A, “A review on recent trends in Deep learning based Channel estimation Techniques”, 4th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Systems(ICDECS), 2024 (Indexed in Scopus)
  • Nagarajan.P, Shirly Edward A, POWER ENERGY AND POWER AREA PRODUCT SIMULATION ANALYSIS OF MASTER-SLAVE FLIP-FLOP, Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, Vol. 68, 4, pp. 325–330, December, 2023 (Science Citation Indexed)
  • P. K. Shimna, A. Shirly Edward and T. V. Roshini, “A Review on Diagnosis of Lung Cancer and Lung Nodules in Histopathological Images using Deep Convolutional Neural Network,” 2023 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (ICAIA) Alliance Technology Conference (ATCON-1), Bangalore, India, 2023, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICAIA57370.2023.10169738. (Indexed in Scopus)
  • V.Akila,,A.Shirly Edward, “Enhancing Software Testing with Machine Learning Techniques”, IEEExplore, April 2023. (Indexed in Scopus)
  • Susandhika M, Shirly Edward A, “A Comprehensive Review and Comparative analysis of 5G and 6G based MIMO Channel Estimation Techniques” 2023 International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication (ICRTEC), (Indexed in Scopus)
  • Shirly Edward A, A Jothimani, V Akila, D Vaishali, “Smart Surveillance System Using Emotion Detection”, AIP Conference proceedings, 2427, 2023, (Indexed in Scopus)
  • Sofia, D.S., A. Shirly Edward, “Performance Comparison Between Different Optimization Techniques in Cognitive Radio for Spectrum Allocation”, Wireless Pers Commun (2022). (Science Citation Indexed)
  • S. D. Sumithra and A. Shirly Edward, “Interweave Dynamic Spectrum Sharing for Cognitive Adhoc Networks using Genetic Optimization Algorithm,” 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/GUCON50781.2021.9573765.(Indexed in Scopus)
  • Ragaveena, S., Shirly Edward, A. & Surendran, U., “Smart controlled environment agriculture methods: a holistic review”, Reviews in Environmental Science and  Biotechnology , Springer (2021). Citation Indexed)
  • D. Sumithra Sofia, A. Shirly Edward, “Overlay dynamic spectrum sharing in cognitive radio for 4G and 5G using FBMC”, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021, ISSN 2214-7853, (Indexed in Scopus)
  • S. Mohanram and A. Shirly Edward, “ Measurement of Blood Glucose using Non-Invasive Methods – A Review”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1964, 2021, in Scopus)
  • S Raveena and A. Shirly Edward, “ Secure B-IoT Based Smart Agriculture– A Brief Review”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1964, 2021, in Scopus)
  • A.Jothimani, Shirly Edward A., “Review of energy efficient architectures based on small cell driven 5G networks” AIP Conference Proceedings, 2282, 020024 (2020); in Scopus)
  • Vaishali D., Anita Christaline J., Shirly Edward A., ” GLCM and GLRLM Based Texture Analysis: Application to Brain Cancer Diagnosis Using Histopathology Images” Lecture Notes in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1172, pp.691-706, 30th September 2020, Springer, Singapore. in Scopus)
  • D.Sumithra Sofia, A.Shirly Edward, “Auction based game theory in cognitive radio networks for dynamic spectrum allocation”, Computers and Electrical Engineering, Elsevier Journal, Vol.86, Sept.2020(Science Citation Indexed)
  • A.Shirly Edward,  Dr. S. Malarvizhi, ” Architectural implementation of modified K-best algorithm for detection in MIMO systems” Microprocessors and Microsystems(ISSN: 0141-9331),, February 2020, Elsevier Journal (Science Citation Indexed)
  • D.Sumithra Sofia, A.Shirly Edward, ” Distributed Auction Mechanism for Dynamic Spectrum Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks” Springer Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communication Technologies(LNDECT), Volume 46,pp.172-180, January 2020.(Indexed in Scopus)
  • A.Shirly Edward,  Dr. S. Malarvizhi, “ A CORDIC based QR decomposition technique for MIMO detection” International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, (ISSN No. 2088-8708), Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 2731-2737 October 2018.(Indexed in Scopus)
  • A.Shirly Edward, Dr.S.Malarvizhi, “Hardware efficient  modified K-best symbol detection algorithm for wireless MIMO systems” Wireless Personal Communications(ISSN No. 0929-6212),Vol.94, pp.2633-2644, 2017, Springer Journal. (Science Citation Indexed)  
  •  A.Shirly Edward, Dr.S.Malarvizhi, ”Novel bit serial architecture based K-best decoder for MIMO detection” , ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences(ISSN: 1819-6608),11(2),pp.1159-1163,January 2016.(Indexed in Scopus)  
  • A.Shirly Edward, Dr.S.Malarvizhi,” Low complexity Breadth First search Sphere Detector for MIMO systems”, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review(ISSN No.1791-2377),8(4),pp.101-104,December 2015.(Indexed in Scopus)
  • A.Shirly Edward, Dr.S.Malarvizhi,“Reduced-Complexity k-best decoder for LTE Standard” , International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering(ISSN No.1975-0080), 10(3),pp.397-406, March 2015.(Indexed in Scopus)
  • A.Shirly Edward,Dr.S.Malarvizhi,“Modified K-best detection algorithm for MIMO systems”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences(ISSN: 1819-6608),10(5),pp.2284-2288, March 2015.(Indexed in Scopus)  
  • A.Shirly Edward,Dr.S.Malarvizhi,R. Anjana, R.Aishwarya“ Low power Detection Architecture for MIMO Systems” International Journal of Engineering and Technology(IJET) (ISSN No. 0975-4024),5(3),pp.2988-2992, Jun-Jul 2013.( Indexed in Scopus)
  • A.Jothimani, A.Shirly Edward, G.K.Divyashree, Laavanya, “Object Identification for Visually Impaired” Indian Journal of Science and Technology,(ISSN No.0974-5645), 9(1),1-5,December,2016.(Indexed in Scopus)
  • A.Jothimani, A.Shirly Edward,K.Manoj Gautem, R.Karthikeyan, “Implementation of Smart Sensor Interface Network for Water Quality Monitoring in Industry using IoT” Indian Journal of Science and Technology,(ISSN No.0974-5645), 10(6),1-5,February,2017.(Indexed in WoS)
  • A.Shirly Edward, M.S.Bhuvaneswari, S.G. Vijayakumari, “ CASER protocol using DCFN mechanism in Wireless Sensor Network” International Journal of pure and applied mathematics, Vol. 118, No.7, 2018, pp.501-505. .(Indexed in Scopus)
  • M.S.Bhuvaneswari, A.Shirly Edward, S.G. Vijayakumari, “ Natural calamities detection and alerting System”, Journal of advanced research in Dynamical and control systems, Vol.9 , 2017. .(Indexed in Scopus)
  • A.Shirly Edward, Vijayakumari.S.G, Bhuvaneswari.M.S., “GSM Based Women’s Safety Device”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.119, No.15,2018,pp.915-920. .(Indexed in Scopus)
  • Bhuvaneswari.M.S, A.Shirly Edward, Vijayakumari.S.G, “Health care monitoring System using EMG Sensors”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.119, No.15,2018, pp.849-853. .(Indexed in Scopus)
  • A.Shirly Edward, Jothimani.A, Jayaprakash.V, Joe Benhur Xavier.F, “Text-to-Speech Device for Visually Impaired People”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.119, No.15,2018,pp.1061-1067. .(Indexed in Scopus)
  • Vijayakumari.S.G, Bhuvaneswari.M.S, A.Shirly Edward, “Offline Tracking using GPS”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.119, No.15,2018,pp.1011-1016.(Indexed in Scopus)

  • Shirly Edward A, Priti Rishi, Akila V, Susandhika.M, “Analysing MIMO Antenna Diversity performance enhanced by EBG structures”, 14th International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics(ICCCI), 29th to 31st January 2024, Sri Sakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Tamil Nadu. 
  • Tamilarasi R, Shirly Edward A, “ A survey based on FINFET Breaking the Moore’s law Barrier with future wireless communication System”, 5th International Conference on Computer Networks, Bigdata and IoT(ICCBI 2023), 14-15 December 2023, Care College of Engineering, TamilNadu.
  • M SriJagnath, Sanjay K, Shirly Edward A, Stock Prediction using Machine Learning, International Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques (ICREACT) 2023, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRMIST, Vadapalani, 3-4  MAY, 2023.
  • Susandhika M, Shirly Edward A, A review on Recent Trends in Deep Learning-based Channel Estimation Techniques, International Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques (ICREACT) 2023, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRMIST, Vadapalani, 3-4  MAY, 2023.
  • Padma Pooshitha TM , Cheemireddy Rajesh Reddy , Brahma Mahesh P, Shirly Edward A, Diversity Analysis of MIMO Antenna with EBG Structure, International Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques (ICREACT) 2023, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRMIST, Vadapalani, 3-4  MAY, 2023.
  • Tamilarasi R, Shirly Edward A, A survey based on innovative and recent research trends on FINFET, International Conference on Emerging technologies in communication and signal processing(ICETCSP 2023),SRM Valliammai Engineering College, 5th April 2023.
  • Susandhika M, Shirly Edward A, Channel Estimation Techniques for MIMO Systems- A Survey, Fourth International Conference on Instrumentation, MEMS and Bio sensing Technology (ICIMBT2023), Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, SRM IST, Chennai, 16-18 February 2023.
  • Susandhika.M, Shirly Edward A, A comprehensive review and comparative analysis of 5G and 6G based MIMO Channel Estimation Techniques, IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering ICRTEC – 2023, The National Institute of Engineering, Mysore, 10-11 February 2023.
  • Sumithra Sofia. D, Dr.A. Shirly Edward, CNN-LSTM for real time traffic prediction of the primary user spectrum in cognitive radio Networks, International Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques (ICREACT) 2022, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRMIST, Vadapalani, 2- 3  MAY, 2022.
  • Dr. A Shirly Edward, Seethalakshmi S, Radhika M, IoT Based Smart Device For Construction Workers’ Well-Being, International Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques (ICREACT) 2022, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRMIST, Vadapalani, 2- 3 MAY, 2022.
  • Dr A Shirly Edward, Harshith P, Keerthivasan D, IoT-based Smart Solar MPPT Device, International Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques (ICREACT) 2022, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRMIST, Vadapalani, 2 – 3 MAY, 2022.
  • Vaishali.B, Shirly Edward.A, Keerthana Maran.T, Thentamil.A, N.Bavadharini, S.Mathuravarshini, “Statistical modelling of glucose in near infrared spectrum: application to diabetic mellitus” , International Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRMIST, Vadapalani, held during May 3-4, 2021.
  • Sumithra Sofia.D, Shirly Edward.A, “Survey on Dynamic Spectrum sharing in Cognitive Radio for 4G and 5G”, International Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRMIST, Vadapalani, held during May 3-4, 2021.
  • N.Bavadharini, S.Mathuravarshini, Shirly Edward A, Vaishali D, “ Spectrometric measurement of Glucose”, International Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRMIST, Vadapalani, held during May 3-4, 2021. 
  • Shirly Edward.A , A.Jothimani, D.Vaishali, “Smart coat for health monitoring in soldiers”, International Conference on Electronics, Photonics and Smart Technologies (ICePhaST-2020), Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRMIST, Kattankulathur, held during November 16 -18, 2020, ISBN 978-93-84136-20-8.
  • Mohanram, Shirly Edward.A, “Measurement of Blood Glucose using Non Invasive Methods- A Review”, International Conference on Electronics, Photonics and Smart Technologies (ICePhaST-2020), Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRMIST, Kattankulathur, held during November 16 -18, 2020. ISBN 978-93-84136-20-8.
  • D.Sumithra Sofia, Shirly Edward.A, Dynamic Spectrum Allocation for Cognitive Adhoc Networks using Genetic Optimization Algorithm in the International Conference on Electronics, Photonics and Smart Technologies (ICePhaST-2020) organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, , held during November 16 -18, 2020. ISBN 978-93-84136-20-8.
  • S.Ragaveena, Shirly Edward.A, “Secure BIoT based Smart Agriculture-A Brief Review”,  International Conference on Electronics, Photonics and Smart Technologies (ICePhaST-2020), Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRMIST, Kattankulathur, held during November 16 -18, 2020. ISBN 978-93-84136-20-8.
  • A.Jothimani, Shirly Edward.A, Akila.V, “Smart Surveillance System Using Emotion Detection”, Virtual Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Network Security, Data Science and IoT(VCANDO-2020), organised by Department of Computer Science Engineering, Velammal Engineering College, 6th -7th August 2020.
  • A.Jothimani, A.Shirly Edward, “Survey of Energy Efficient Architectures Based on Small Cell Driven 5G Networks” 14th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO 2020), 9th and 10th January 2020.
  • Vaishali Durgamahanthi, Anita Christaline J., A.Shirly Edward, “GLCM and GLRLM Based Texture Analysis: Application to Brain Cancer Diagnosis Using Histopathology Images”,5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Applications (ICICA – 2019),December 6th – 8 th, 2019.
  • Sumithra Sofia, A.Shirly Edward, “Distributed Pricing based VCG Auction mechanism for Dynamic Spectrum Allocation in Cognitive Networks” , International Conference on Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application ICIDCA 2019, 17th and 18 th October 2019. 
  • A.Shirly Edward, Dr.S.Malarvizhi, ”A novel bit serial architecture based K-best decoder for MIMO detection”, International Conference on Modelling,Simulation and Control(ICMSC’15), 15th -16th October 2015.
  • A.Shirly Edward, Dr.S.Malarvizhi, “Modified K-best detection algorithm for MIMO systems”,IEEE sponsored 9th International conference on Intelligent Systems and Control(ISCO-2015), 8-9 Jan 2015.
  • A.Shirly Edward, Dr.S.Malarvizhi, “Reconfigurable Supercell design for Pseudo Inverse Module using Xilinx System Generator” , Proceedings of  International Conference on  Advances in Communication, Network and Computing, pp.215-220,Feb.2013, published in Elsevier  Science and Technology.

  • Sumithra Sofia.D , Shirly Edward.A, Distributed ınterference based spectrum allocation in cognitive radio networks” Proceedings of national conference on REACT 2020, 15th and 16th May 2020.
  • Shirly Edward.A, Soundharya S, Revathy.B, Detection of lung cancer using CT images, proceedings of national conference on REACT 2020, 15th and 16th may 2020.
  • Shirly Edward. A, Shyam Sundar R, Abhiram M, Smart coat for health monitoring in soldiers, proceedings of national conference on REACT 2020, 15th and 16th may 2020.
  • Shirly Edward.A , K. Lohith Reddy, S.B.Sai Prakash, Amrita Vasudevan, Implementation of UART,SPI and I2C for inter and intra communication using Verilog, proceedings of national conference on REACT 2020, 15th and 16th may 2020.
  • Shirly Edward.A, P.Deepshika, P.S.Jashika,” Brain Machine Interface” Proceedings of the National Conference on REACT’19, SRMIST held on 29.3.2019 and 30.3.2019.
  • Shirly Edward.A, S.Priyadharshini, ” An efficient optical communication technique using MIMO and OFDM along with Generalized LED index modulation” Proceedings of the National Conference on REACT’19, SRMIST held on 29.3.2019 and 30.3.2019.
  • Shirly Edward.A,Soumya, Riya Yadav,  “FIR filter implementation using 16 bit radix-16 modified booth multiplier”, Proceedings of the National conference on REACT’18 , SRMIST held 6.4.18 and 7.4.18.
  • Shirly Edward.A, Muzammil Rafeeq, Shuaib Khan “IOT Based Wireless Sensor Healthcare and Monitoring System”, Proceedings of the National conference on REACT’18 , SRMIST held 6.4.18 and 7.4.18.
  • Shirly Edward.A, R.Priyanka, K.Suvedha, “Design of Detector using Common Subexpression elimination for Large MIMO Systems” Proceedings of the National conference on REACT’18 , SRMIST held 6.4.18 and 7.4.18.
  • A.Shirly Edward, Vishal.G, Karthikeyan.S, Shreenath.S, “Embedded Image Processing for Cloud based Applications”, Proceedings of National Conference on REACT’15, SRM University, Vadapalani.
  • A.Shirly Edward, Karthikeyan.S, Gowtham Chandrasekaran, Srikar.S, “Automotive Thermoelectric Power Generator”, Proceedings of National Conference on REACT’15, SRM University, Vadapalani.
  • A.Shirly Edward, Sonam Uike, Prerna.P, Prathima Gandhi.B, “Cost effective crash notification system”, Proceedings of National Conference on REACT’15, SRM University, Vadapalani.
  • A.Shirly Edward, Akhil Rao, Bharath Singaraju, Sudarshan Reddy,” Automatic No Ball Detection using Sensors” , Proceedings of National Conference on REACT’16, SRM University, Vadapalani.
  • Zahra Mohammedi,K.Parvathi Athma, A.Shirly Edward, “Performance Analysis of OFDM system with adaptive modulation Schemes, Proceedings of National Conference on REACT’16, SRM University, Vadapalani.
  • Shirly Edward.A ,Manikandaprabu.K,” Power optimization of Test pattern Generator using Linear Feedback Shift Register(LFSR) for Low power BIST”, National Conference on Recent Trends in VLSI Information and Communication(NCRVIC-2010), B.S Abdur Rahman University,Chennai,31st March 2010.
  • Shirly Edward.A ,Manikandaprabu.K,” FPGA Implementation of Adaptive median Filtering  algorithm “,National Conference on Recent advances in Communication Engineering(RACE-2010), Velalar College of Engineering& Technology,Erode.27th March2010.
  • Shirly Edward.A ,Arun Raja.A,” On-Board Verification of FPGA Based Digital System using NIOS Processor “,National Conference on Microwave and Optical Communication(NCMOC-2009),A.C.College of Engineering and Technology,Karaikudi,16th April 2009.
  • Shirly Edward.A ,Vigneswaran.T,”High Speed FIR Filter based on CSHM Architecture”,National Conference on Innovations in Information and Communication Technology,PSG College of Technology,Coimbatore.21st & 22nd September 2007.

  • “VLSI Design” by Scholars Press on 14-7-2023, ISBN: 978-620-5-52397-1

Teaching experience: 23 years 6 months

  • Professor and Head, ECE department, SRMIST, Vadapalani from October 2023.
  • Associate Professor and Head, ECE Department, SRMIST, Vadapalani from January 2021 to September 2023.
  • Associate Professor, ECE Department, SRMIST, Vadapalani from July 2019 to December 2020.
  • Assistant Professor, ECE department, SRM Institute of Science and Technology (formerly SRM university), June 2002 to June 2019. 
  • Lecturer, J.A Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, June 2001 to June2002.

  • Scholar completed – 1
  • Submitted thesis-1
  • Pursuing- 7

  • Offered a certificate course on “Internet of Things” with Mrs.V.Akila to first year students of SRM Madurai College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai from 26.02.2024 to 01.03.2024. Received Consultancy amount Rs.4322/-

  • Given expert talk on “Chip design for MIMO Communication Detectors” at FDP on “Insight of Analog and Digital IC Design : Industry and Research Perspective” (IADICD -2020), held at Department of ECE, SRMIST, Kattankulathur, 14.12.2020
  • Resource person for the Workshop “Unlocking IoT potential with Arduino: A Workshop” held at SRMIST Vadapalani, 11.9.2023
  • Handled a session in the “Review paper writing Workshop” held at SRMIST, Vadapalani 28.10.2024.

Completed 14 courses in Coursera, 4 courses in Edx, 8 courses in NPTEL and 1 course in Udemy


  • Python for Data Science(Elite)
  • Medical Image Processing(Elite)
  • Educational Leadership(Elite+Gold)
  • Design Thinking (Elite + Silver)
  • Accreditation and outcome based learning(Elite)
  • Patent Drafting for beginners(Elite)
  • Digital Image Processing (Elite +Topper)
  • Basic Electronics(Elite)


  • Introduction to Data Science
  • Fundamentals of Nanotransistors
  • Signals and Systems
  • Electronics Materials and Devices


  • Programming for everybody(Getting started with Python)
  • AI for everyone
  • A crash course in Data Science
  • Building a Data Science Team
  • The Data Science of health Informatics
  • Game Theory II
  • Game Theory I
  • The Arduino Platform and C Programming
  • Introduction to the Internet of Things and Embedded Systems
  • Linear Circuits
  • Introduction to Electronics
  • Digital Systems
  • Computer Networks
  • Digital Signal Processing


  • Introduction to Embedded Systems

  • Received Fellowship in India International Test Conference, Bengaluru, July 2022
  • Received Best paper award with Bavadharini and Madhuravarshini in ICREACT’21
  • Received recognition from the Academic Council of uLektz as one of the Top 20 Expert Faculties in the field of Electrical, Electronics, Civil, Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering for the year 2020
  • Received Gold Medal with D.Sumithra Sofia in Research Day 2020
  • Gold Medalist in Post Graduate Degree Examinations.
  • Best Teacher Award in the academic year 2011-12.
  • Research publication award (2012-2013)
  • Research publication award (2014-2015)
  • Certified Publon Reviewer for SCI journals
  • Reviewer for Science Citation indexed journals like IEEE Access, Computer and Electrical Engineering, Wireless Personal Communication.
  • Acted as reviewer for a project under UGC Fellowship and research grant

  • Fellow member of the IEI
  • Life Member in ISTE
  • Member of IAENG and ISCA
  • Senior Member in IEEE

  • Worked as Campus IQAC Coordinator, Campus AAA coordinator
  • Worked as University Exam Coordinator in Vadapalani Campus
  • Worked as Camp Officer for Evaluation of Answer Scripts for University Examinations
  • Board of Studies Member