Dr. B. Jeyaprabha
Assistant Professor
Department Of MBA
Contact Information
Email : jeyaprab@srmist.edu.in
- Ph.D. (Finance)., SRM University, 2023
- M.B.A. (Finance and Operations)., PSG Institute of Management, Anna University, Coimbatore, 2010
- B.Sc. (Physics), Madurai Kamaraj University, 2007
- Accounting for decision-making
- Thinking and communication skills
- Security analysis and portfolio management
- Banking Services and Operations
- Marketing
- Production planning and control
- Production and Operation Management
- Supply Chain Management
- Quality Management Marketing
- Legal aspects of business
- Principles of management
- Economics for managers
- Macroeconomics and Econometrics
- Economics and Principles of Management (B. Tech)
- Business management for engineers
- Statistical Analysis and Data Analytics
- International Finance
- Financial Markets and Services
- Operations Management
- Operations Strategy
- Supply chain management for SIMS
- Hospital operations management
- Accounting for SIMS
- Services Science and Service Operational Management (B. Tech)
- Fintech, Stock Market, Block chain
- Published a paper titled ” Transforming Festival Healthcare With Telemedicine: A Win-Win Situation” in the World Journal of Management and Economics, ISSN: 1819-8643, Vol. 6, pp. 73–80, No. 6 (2023) (ABDC).
- Published a paper titled ” The Psychological Dimensions of Stock Trader Satisfaction with the E-Broking Service Provider” in Journal of Positive School Psychology, ISSN: 3787-3795, Vol. 6 No. 5 (2022) (SCOPUS).
- Published a paper titled “What influences online stock traders’ online loyalty intentions? The moderating role of website familiarity” in Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/ Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology, ISSN: 0493-2137, Vol. 55 No. 5 (2022) (SCOPUS)
- Published a paper titled ” The Mediating Effect of e-Satisfaction on e-Service Quality and e-Loyalty Link in the Securities Brokerage Industry” in Revista, ISSN: 2237-0722 Vol. 11 No. 2 (2021) (Web of Science).
- Published a paper titled “A Critical Analysis Of The Impact Of Firm Specific Negative News On The Punjab National Bank Scam” in the peer-reviewed international journal INFOKARA RESEARCH (ISSN: 1021-9056) Volume 9, Issue 5, 2020 (UGC CARE).
- Published a paper titled ” A Study on the Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Employee Retention,” Solid State Technology,Vol. 63, No. 2S (2020), pp. 8321–8334.
- Published a paper titled ” Service Quality Perceptions and Preferences of Stock Broking Customers,” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 5, (2020), pp. 7746–7753.
- I published a paper titled “Analysis of Key Linkages Using Path Analysis in Baldrige Performance Model for the Manufacturing Sector” in the peer-reviewed international journal International Journal of Advanced Research and Development (ISSN: 2455-4030), Volume 9, Issue 6, 2019, 71–75 (UGC CARE).
- Published a paper titled ” Service Development By Using Servqual and Quality Function Deployment in the Private Banking Industry,” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume 8, Issue 1C2, May 2019 (SCOPUS).
- Dr. B. Jeyaprabha, “Transfer Pricing of Hitachi India with Reference to its GDC Segment,” “International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research (Scope Indexed), Vol. 15 (2017)
- Dr. B. Jeyaprabha, “Co-relation between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development,” IJCAR
- Dr. B. Jeyaprabha, Impact of GST on GDP Growth: A Detailed Study on Trade Off Between GDP and GST in the Indian Scenario, IJCAR
- Dr. B. Jeyaprabha, “Implications of the Tertiary Sector in the Indian Economy: A Bird’s Eye Scrutiny of Tamil Nadu’s Tertiary Sector and the Overall Contribution to GDP,” IOSR JBM
- Presented a paper titled ” The Growing Role of Artificial Intelligence in Intellectual Property” at a national-level virtual conference in commerce, Management and economics organised by SIRA on June 4, 2022.
- Presented a paper titled ” The moderating role of website characteristics on e-servqual and e-loyalty links” in the “2nd International e-Conference on Recent Trends in Commerce, Management and Information Technology organised by J.H.A. Agarose College on March 19, 2021.
- Presented a paper titled “E-service Quality and Investors’s E-satisfaction in the Securities Brokerage Industry: A Review of Literature” at the Research Day held at SRMIST,KTR on March 1, 2021.
- Presented a paper titled ” The Growing Role of Artificial Intelligence in Intellectual Property” in an international-level virtual conference in commerce, Emerging Trends and Practices of Business Leadership in the Digital Era, organised by Madras University on March 6, 2020.
- Presented a paper titled “A critical analysis of the impact of firm-specific negative news on PNB scams” at the national conference at SRMIST, Vadapalani campus.
- Presented a paper on ”A study on the factors influencing job satisfaction and its impact on employee retention” at ICEAM, an international conference organised by SRMIST, Vadapalani.
- Presented a paper titled ” Green Economy: A Sustainable Way to Economic Development” at the International Conference on Go Green Innovation in the 21st Century held at MGR University on December 20, 2019.
- Presented a paper titled ” A study on quality dimensions and their relationship with satisfaction with reference to securities brokerage service providers” in the Dr. Paarivendhar Research Colloquium held at SRMIST,KTR on September 23, 2019.
- Presented a paper titled ”Service Development by Using Servqual and Quality Function Deployment in the Private Banking Industry” in the International Conference on Innovative Business Strategies, Entrepreneurship and Management (IBSEM) held at the School of Management, SRMIST, and Ramapuram Campus on March 21, 2019.
- Participated in the National Conference, TRIMARD 2k17,” Transformation in Management, organised by the Faculty of Management Studies, Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute University, Chennai, on October 12, 2017.
- Presented a paper titled “Impact of GST on GDP Growth: A detailed study on the trade-off between GDP and GST in the Indian Scenario” in the 4th International Conference on Business Research organised by the Department of Commerce, Faculty of Science and Humanities, SRMIST, on September 26, 2017.
- I participated in the International Conference on Business Research in Entrepreneurship, SRMIST, on August 31, 2016.
- I participated in a 5-day FDP organised by Alliance Business School from 2-06-23 to 06-06-23.
- I participated in the 5-Day National Level Faculty Development Programme (online) “Research Orientation and Data Analysis” organised by Mount Zion Institute of Science and Technology from August 9, 2021, to August 13, 2021.
- Participated in PRAYAAS, a five-day faculty development programme on “research writing,” held from April 19, 2021, to April 23, 2021, at DoMS, SRMIST, Vadapalani.
- I participated in a 5-day faculty development programme on “empowering teachers with multidimensional skills,” conducted from January 27, 2021, to February 3, 2021, by the Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology.
- I participated in a 10-day online international skill development programme on “social media digital marketing” organised by the School of Commerce at Bharathiyar University from November 27, 2020, to December 8, 2020.
- I participated in the Online MDP Programme on Creative and Critical Thinking: A Recipe for Innovation conducted on August 29, 2020.
- Participated in the Online MDP Programme on Innovation—The Way Forward, conducted on August 8, 2020.
- I participated in a one-day workshop on “Understanding theoretical contribution in management research” on April 29, 2020 (Google Meet) organised by the University of Hyderabad.
- I participated in a three-day workshop on “research methodology” from April 28 to April 30, 2020, organised by the REST Society for Research International.
- I participated in a three-day FDP on MCDM methods conducted by the RSRI Research Society from April 23–25, 2020.
- I participated in a one-day national-level workshop on “writing research papers and publications, citation analysis, plagiarism and e-resources” organised by the MEASI Institute on February 29, 2020.
- I participated in PRAYAAS, a one-day faculty development programme on “Writing Research Articles in Social Sciences,” held on January 25, 2020, at SRMIST, Vadapalani.
- Participate in a three-day FDP programme on SPSS and SEM organised by LIBA from December 5–7, 2019.
- I attended a five-day national-level workshop on statistical analysis for business research at Pondicherry University from June 18 to June 22.
- I participated in a one-day FDP on “Effective Quality Research Paper Writing and Publishing” on April 26, 2020 (webinar) at the SRMIST Ramapuram campus.
- Participated in the Webinar on Teachers and Leaders on June 2, 2020, Department of CSE, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Vadapalani Campus
- I participated in the seminar on “How to Patent Your Invention?” organised by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRMIST, on November 14, 2017.
- I participated in the faculty development programme on “Management of Quality Circles for the Effectiveness of Educational Institutions” on June 25, 2015.
- Delivered a session on “Digital Adoption in India: A Future Perspective” for PGDM students in the Madras School of Economics on July 21,
- NSE’s certification in the Capital Market module
- NSE’s certification in the Derivatives Market Module
- Psychological First Aid, 2021
- Private equity and Venture Capital—2021, Coursera
- Financial Planning for Young Adults, 2021, Coursera
- Gender Justice and Workplace Security (NPTEL-2022)
- Advanced algorithmic trading (NPTEL) 2023
- SRMIST : From 01-08-2013 to date
- Equity Advisor (2011–2012) Way2Wealth Brokers Private Limited
- Relationship Manager, (2010–2011) India Info Line Ltd.
- “Certificate of Excellence Award” from Web of Science Journal Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting
- Member of the Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), 2017
- Registered member of MMA, Chennai, 2015
- Member of the “World Economic Association” since December 26, 2022
- Member of IARA
Work in Progress
- Application of SERVQUAL in Stock Broking Firms