Dr. Suresh Nanda Kumar
Associate Professor
Department Of MBA
Contact Information
Email : sureshnk@srmist.edu.in
- Ph.D. (Operations Management)., Department of Management Studies, Pondicherry University, 2018
- PGDITM (Data Analytics & Business Intelligence)., All India Management Association, 2020
- M.C.A. (Computer Applications)., College of Engineering, Anna University, 2008
- M.B.A. (General)., University Science Malaysia, 2000
- M.Sc. (Information Technology)., University Science Malaysia, 1998
- M.Tech (Software Systems) (Networks & Cloud)., BITS Pilani
- B.Sc. (Physics)., Loyola College (Autonomous), University of Madras, 1996
- UGC-NET Management, UGC NTA Government of India
- Business Analytics
- Software Project Management
- Supply Chain Management
- Data Mining
- Applications of digital technologies to improve processes in manufacturing industries, vehicle routing problems, supply chain management, cloud computing, software engineering, and big data analytics applications
- Dr. Suresh Nanda Kumar, Inventory Management and Optimisation in a Major Hospital in Chennai—ICEABM, SRMIST Chennai, April 2023.
- Debopoma Sanyal, Sumit Mondal, and Dr. Suresh Nanda Kumar (2022): A STUDY ON STUDENT SATISFACTION ON ONLINE CLASSES AMONG PGDM/MBA COURSES IN SOUTH INDIA. EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), 8(10), 149–154. Retrieved from http://eprajournals.net/index.php/IJMR/article/view/998.
- S. Gaffar, S.N. Kumar (2022): Impact of Metaverse on Future Educational Space in India International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM), Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2022, pp. 766-769.
- G. Hariharan, M. Nipuna, V.A. Thirumalai, and S.N. Kumar (2022) Study on Impact of Toss in the Results of ICCMen’s T20 World Cup International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2022, pp. 859–863.
- T. Nayak & S.N. Kumar (2022), “A Study on Digital Payment Apps,” Quing: International Journal of Commerce and Management, 02(03), 62–68. https://doi.org/10.54368/qijcm.2.3.0004
- Teja, T. D. K. R., & S.N. Kumar (2022), “Supply Chain Disruption in Health Care During the Pandemic Period,” Quing: International Journal of Commerce and Management, 02(03), 69–75. https://doi.org/10.54368/qijcm.2.3.0005.
- Case Study: Implementing Lean Supply Chain in the Footwear Industry, AIMA ICRC Case Publication 2021.
- Technology Transfer Success Factors: Empirical Evidence from Malaysian Manufacturing Companies, Published April 2022 Shanlax International Journal of Management.
- Dr. Suresh Nanda Kumar (2021), Application of Smart Grid and Edge Computing Technologies to Improve the Operational Efficiency of the Supply Chain and Logistics Processes, Shanlax International Journal of Management (paper accepted).
- Book Chapter on A Genetic Algorithm-based Artificial Intelligence Solution for Optimising E-commerce Logistics Vehicle Routing with Dr. R. Panneerselvam in ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI): ELEMENTARY TO ADVANCED PRACTICES, CRC PRESS A TAYLOR AND FRANCIS COMPANY, 2020.
- Book Chapter on Application of Microgrids Concepts to Logistics and Supply Chain Management with Dr. Kanimozhi, S., InTech Open, UK (2019).
- A book chapter on the Internet of Things in Edge Computing, Springer Nature, 2018 was jointly written with Dr. Kanimozhi Suguna.
- S. Kumar and R. Panneerselvam, “A Survey on the Vehicle Routing Problem and Its Variants,” Intelligent Information Management, Vol. 4 No. 3, 2012, pp. 66–74. doi: 10.4236/iim.2012.43010.
- S. Kumar, and R. Panneerselvam (2015). A Time-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows for E-Commerce Supplier Site Pickups Using Genetic Algorithms. Intelligent Information Management, 7, 181–194. doi:10.4236/iim.2015.74015.
- S.N. Kumar and R. Panneerselvam (2015). A Comparative Study of a Proposed Genetic Algorithm-Based Solution with Other Algorithms for Time-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows for E-Commerce Supply Chain. Journal of Service Science and Management, 8, 844–859. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jssm.2015.86085.
- S. Kumar and R. Panneerselvam (2017). Development of an Efficient Genetic Algorithm for the Time-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows. American Journal of Operations Research, 7, 1–25. doi: 10.4236/ajor.2017.71001
- Dr. Suresh Nanda Kumar: Mobile and wireless applications in logistics. RMK Engineering College 2013.
- Dr. Suresh Nanda Kumar: Green purchasing practices VIT University 2013
- Dr. Suresh Nanda Kumar (2013), Strategies for Reducing the Design Cycle Time (Time-To-Market) in the Development of a New Car Model, BIZAD2k13 Conference, March 1, 2013, SRM University.
- Workshop on Case Teaching and Case Writing from the European Case Clearing House (ECCH) of Cranfield University, UK, in 2002 in Stuttgart, Germany.
- Completed attending MCSE Windows Server 2003 all modules, with Microsoft Certificates.
- Case Teaching and Case Writing Workshop, XIME, Bengaluru, May 2019
- Training Programme on Logistics Management IME) a and Sikkim Manipal University, September 2019
- Hands-on IoT Workshop at the three-day IoT Show in Bengaluru, February 2020.
- A 2-day hands-on IoT workshop by Lema Labs, IIT Madras Research Park, March Online Workshop on Supply Chain Management by Economic Times, May 2020
- Workshop on Financial Models Using Analytics and a Home-Based Assignment AIMS 2021
- Five-day FDP on case teaching, case writing and sponsored research at XIME Bangalore, June – July 2022
- A two-day workshop on creativity at work (XIME Bangalore, September 2022).
- Seminar on Accelerated Job Creation in India at XIME Bangalore on November 18, 2022.
- Senior Assistant Professor, Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship (XIME), Chennai, March 2019 – May 2023
- Counsellor, CII Institute of Logistics, Chennai, September 2011 – December 31, 2018
- Faculty Associate/Leader, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Manamai, Chennai December 2, 2009 – April 29, 2011
- Lecturer, CSE, Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College, Chennai., September – November 30, 2009
- Research Assistant, Stuttgart Institute of Management and Technology, Stuttgart (SIMT, February 2002 – September 2003)
- Research Officer, School of Computer Science, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang 2000–2002
- Trainee, Cetelon Lackfabrik Walter Stier GmbH & Co. KG, Ditzingen Stuttgart, 2003 September–2003 December.
- Consultant, Maples ESM Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Chennai 2004 August–2004 November
- Certified Professional in Supply Management (CPSM), Institute for Supply Management (ISM), Tempe, Arizona, 2014
- Certified in Introduction to Programming the Internet of Things, a 6-course specialisation, University of California, Irvine, through Coursera, 2017.
- Online Machine Learning with Python, Lema Labs, IIT Madras, Chennai, 2020
- Improving Business Performance through AI-Powered Supply Chains (NITIE and BITS) Pilani and faculty are Prof. Dr. David Simchi-Levi of MIT (USA), 2022.
- Institute for Supply Management, 2014