Dr. T. Mangaiyarkarasi
Assistant Professor
Department Of MBA
Contact Information
Email : mangaiyt@srmist.edu.in
- Ph.D. (Finance & Analytics)., Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, 2022
- M.B.A. (Finance and Systems)., Anna University, 2006.
- B.E. (E.C.E.)., Bharathiyar University, 2003
- National Eligibility Test (NET) for Lecturership
- Proficient in MS-Office, SPSS, R, Python, and Matlab. Certification in Data Analytics with Python was conducted by IIT Roorkee using NPTEL in January–April 2020. Certification in four courses on investment management using Python and machine learning by Edhec Business School, USA, October 18th, 2020.
- Block chain technology, crypto currency, sentiment analysis, fraud detection, sustainability
- Dr. T. Mangaiyarkarasi and K. Kalaiselvi (2023), “ Prediciton of Cryptocurrency Trading Volume in India Using CNN-LSTM Model.“. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol. 13, Issue 76. ISSN: 0976-0997. (Web of Science)
- Dr. T. Mangaiyarkarasi (2023), “Theranos: unethical leadershi`p of bad blood,” Indian Context Mini Cases on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. ISBN: 978-93-91303-44-0. DOI: https://doi.org/10.47715/JPC.B.978-93-91303-44-0
- Dr. T. Mangaiyarkarasi (2023) “A case study on Swiggy”. Indian Context Mini Cases on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. ISBN: 978-93-91303-44-0. DOI: https://doi.org/10.47715/JPC.B.978-93-91303-44-0
- B. Charumathi and Dr. T. Mangaiyarkarasi (2022), “Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on CO2 emissions in India.” Energy Research Letters. Asia-Pacific Applied Economics Association. ISSN: 2652-6514; E-ISSN: 2652-6433. https://doi.org/10.46557/001c.32623.
- Dr. T. Mangaiyarkarasi (Jan. 2022). Byju’s Creating Value in Education. Case Studies in Business Management: An Indian Perspective. (Vol 2). ISBN 978-93-5495-627-0. Himalaya Publishing House.
- Dr. T. Mangaiyarkarasi (Jan. 2022). Valli Arunachalam’s battle for the board seat Case Studies in Business Management: An Indian Perspective. (Vol 2). ISBN 978-93-5495-627-0. Himalaya Publishing House.
- B. Charumathi and Dr. T. Mangaiyarkarasi (2021), “Credit Risk Modelling for Indian Debt Securities Using Machine earning.” Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking. (2021). p-ISSN: 1410 8046, e-ISSN: 2460 9196. pp. 107–128. Scopus indexed. ABDC Journal.
- B. Charumathi and T. Mangaiyarkarasi (2019), “A Study on Standardisation of Rating Scales across Indian Rating Agencies,” Journal of Accounting & Finance, A Refereed International Journal (ISSN No. 0970-9029), with Cosmos Impact Factor 2015: 1.125 , Indian Citation Index.
- S. Gayathri and Dr. T. Mangaiyarkarasi (2018), “A Critical Analysis of the Punjab National Bank Scam and Its Implications.” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119, No. 12, 2018, 14853-14866, ISSN: 1314-3395.
- B. Charumathi and Dr. T. Mangaiyarkarasi (2016), “Regulation of Indian Rating Agencies and Their Status on IOSCO Code Implementation,” Journal of Accounting & Finance, A Refereed International Journal (ISSN No. 0970-9029), Vol. 30 No. 2 (September 2016 Issue) with Cosmos Impact Factor 2015: 1.125, UGC Indexed Journal, Indian Citation Index.
- B. Charumathi and Dr. T. Mangaiyarkarasi, “Study of Competition among Credit Rating Agencies in India,” Journal of Accounting & Finance, A Refereed International Journal (ISSN No. 0970-9029), Vol. 31 No. 1 (March 2017 Issue). UGC Indexed Journal, Indian Citation Index.
- Presented a paper titled “Impact of blockchain announcements on banks stock price” in a 2-day International Conference on Digitization conducted by SRM, Directorate of Distance Education, on June 29–20, 2023.
- Presented the case study “Cryptocurrency: Is there light at the end of the tunnel?” at the International Case Conference on August 19, 2022, jointly organised by Sunway University and Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore, India.
- Presented case study: “Is there a rating failure? Case Study of Amtek Auto Ltd.” in the 2nd Case Writing Competition and Conference, 2022, held on 24th–26th, 2022, organised by the All India Management Association and the Indian Case Research Centre.
- Presented a research paper on “Does the emerging market score model predict the rating of Indian corporate debt?” Two-day International Virtual Conference on Contemporary Practices of Technology and Management for Economic Growth, organised by VIT, Chennai, on October 23 and 24, 2020
- Presented a research paper on “Credit risk modelling using machine learning techniques” in the international call for papers and plenary sessions organised by BMEB, Indonesia, on August 27, 2020.
- Presented a research paper on “Case of Amtek Auto Ltd: Evaluation of Information Quality of Rating” in the International Conference on Advances in Business Management, Digital Economy, Research & Technology organised by the RDA Jaipur on July 27th and 28th, 2019.
- Presented a research paper on “A Study on Comparison of Rating Scales across Indian Rating Agencies” in the National Conference on Contemporary Management Practices in Digital India organised by Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies on April 26 and 27.
- Presented a research paper on “Critical Analysis of the Punjab National Bank Scam” in the National Conference on Recent Advances in Science, Engineering and Management organised by Tagore Engineering College on March 28, 2018.
- Presented a research paper on “Competition and Credit Rating Agencies: An Indian Perspective” in the 21st International Level Conference on Advancement and Challenges in Social Sciences and Business Management-Interdisciplinary Research and Practices organised by RDA Jaipur on November 11 and 12, 2017.
- Presented a research paper on “Regulation of Indian credit rating agencies and their status on IOSCO code implementation” in the 19th International Level Conference on Sustainable Growth, Innovation and Revolution in the New Millennium organised by RDA Jaipur on November 7 and 8, 2016.
- Presented a research paper on “Impact of rating on the capital market: a literature review” in the 18th International Level Conference on Sustainable Growth and Innovation in the New Millennium—Frontier Global Issues and Challenges organised by RDA Jaipur on March 26 and 27.
- Presented a research paper on “Credit rating agencies: a look into whether consistent methodology has been applied in assigning the rating” in the 17th International Level Conference on “Contemporary Issues and Innovations in Global Business, Management, Economics, Tourism and Information and Communication Technology” organised by RDA Jaipur on November 26th and 27th, 2015.
- Presented a research paper on “Regulatory impact on credit rating agencies across major economies” in the 16th International Interdisciplinary Conference on “Contemporary Issues and Innovations in Global Business, Management, Economics, Tourism and Information and Communication Technology” organised by RDA Jaipur on April 25 and 26.
- I participated and presented a research paper on “Extent of implementation of the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) code of conduct by the Indian rating agencies” in the 15th International Conference on Advances and Challenges in Global Business, Management, Economics, Tourism and Information Technology organised by RDA Jaipur on November 21 and 22, 2014.
- I participated and presented a research paper on “Regulatory concerns on credit rating agencies in India” at the 14th International Conference on Advances and Challenges in Global Business, Management, Economics, Tourism and Information Technology organised by the RDA Jaipur on February 1 and 2, 2014.
- I participated and presented a research paper on “Implementation of the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) Code of Conduct in Indian Scenario “in the first technical session of the 13th International Conference on Emerging Trends, Challenges and Opportunities in Global Business, Management, Tourism and Information Technology organised by RDA Jaipur on September 28th and 29th, 2013.
- FDP in Business Analytics and Text Mining Modelling by IIT Roorkee on PTEL-July-Sep 2023
- Conducted a workshop in “Business Analytics” at Jeppiar Engineering College for MBA students.
- Introduction to Portfolio Construction and Analysis with Python
- Advanced Portfolio Construction and Analysis with Python
- Python and machine learning for asset management
- Python and Machine-Learning for Asset Management with Alternative Data Sets
- Certification in Introduction to Data Science in Python by the University of Michigan, March 8, 2021.
- Certification in Trading Algorithm conducted by Indian School of Business, Coursera, November 2021
- Certification in Accreditation and Outcome-Based Learning by IIT Kharagepur-NPTEL, August-Oct 2022
- Certification in Business Analytics and Text Mining Modelling by IIT Roorkee on NPTEL-July-SEP 2023
- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, SRMIST Vadapalani, July’ 23To Date
- Assistant Professor, Department of MBA, Tagore Engineering College, September ’21 – June’ 23
- Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Several Colleges in and around Chennai, February ’10 – December ’20
- Business Analyst, Information Technology, Infonet Technologies LLC, Washington, USA, August ‘07–July ‘06
- Assistant Manager, RAOG, ICICI Bank Ltd., Chennai